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Educators perspectives about risky play: Parents’ and Early Childhood Educators’ Attitudes and Practices in Relation to Children’s Outdoor Risky Play

Write an annotated bibliography for two articles (already attached) 250 words each which has the following information. Call if you have confusion.
1. The influence of play context and adult attitudes on young children’s physical risk-taking during outdoor play (250 words)
 A short statement that explains the main focus or purpose of the work.
 A short summary of the theory, research findings or argument (e.g. intended audience, subjects covered, major arguments supported, research methods, conclusions reached, special features) (make sure you talk about family’s or parents perspective in it because that’s my research topic like what they think of documentation of their child)
 Consideration of the usefulness and/or limitations of the text for your research (if any)
 An evaluative comment on the work that may take into account how this work will fit into your research on a topic (e.g. critical comment, critical reflection that describes the usefulness or relevance of the information for your writing task).

2. Parents’ and Early Childhood Educators’ Attitudes and Practices in Relation to Children’s Outdoor Risky Play (250 words)
 A short statement that explains the main focus or purpose of the work.
 A short summary of the theory, research findings or argument (e.g. intended audience, subjects covered, major arguments supported, research methods, conclusions reached, special features) (make sure you talk about family’s or parents perspective in it because that’s my research topic like what they think of documentation of their child))
 Consideration of the usefulness and/or limitations of the text for your research (if any)
 An evaluative comment on the work that may take into account how this work will fit into your research on a topic (e.g. critical comment, critical reflection that describes the usefulness or relevance of the information for your writing task).

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