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Organizational Effectiveness: When organizations need to adapt to external and internal change, how can the key elements of organizational design be used to restructure the organization to meet new challenges?


Objective: Examine key drivers correlated to organizational effectiveness and productivity

Introduction: Organizational effectiveness is how efficient an organization is in strategically maximizing their resources to achieve their mission. This lesson looks at the many different factors that can affect organizational effectiveness, such as culture, leadership, employee engagement, management styles, people systems, and external forces and interactions. Explore and research how organizational structure provides a framework to defines business functions. Consideration of how variables define the business and the responsibilities delegated, controlled, and coordinated, are of significant importance. How do leadership styles and organizational culture, engagement, etc. directly impact organizational effectiveness? Develop your perspective on organization effectiveness and what it takes to be successful in business. You may focus your strategy to improve a problem and a challenge. Begin with the questions provided in step #1


Minimum of 4 full pages (excluding title and reference pages).

Activity Details:

Step 1: Read the following questions, and use what you have learned about Organizational Effectiveness to summarize your responses in a paper that is a minimum of 4 full pages (excluding title and reference pages). APA formatting is required.:

When organizations need to adapt to external and internal change, how can the key elements of organizational design be used to restructure the organization to meet new challenges?

How has management’s view of these key elements changed from their initial inception of a theory to practical purposes now?

What do you see as the critical elements and current trends in business today making organizations effective and profitable?

Step 2: Review the materials and conduct additional topic research to demonstrate the application of the concepts in a real-world business environment.

Step 3: Write a paper. Please review the essay rubric, prior to proceeding.

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