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Successful Dynamic Organizations: Discuss how managers in global organizations can effectively apply OB theory and practices to manage workforce diversity within their home country, and manage offsite employees?

Essay: Successful and dynamic organizations

Objective: Effective Change management in the organization: Understanding Organizational Behavior and Change

Introduction: This lesson examines the characteristics of successful and dynamic organizations, with a focus on organizational behavior (OB) and the application of strategic practices to implement effective organizational change. Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness. This lesson examines both the concepts and best practices related to organizational behavior and change management. You the theory, practical perspectives and the current trends in organizational behavior as a function of change and organizational effectiveness.

Deliverables: The essay for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 5 full pages (excluding title and reference pages) which clearly demonstrate your understanding of the activity. Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement, and conclusion, written in APA format.

Activity Details:

Step 1: Read the following questions, and use what you have learned about OB and change management Issues to summarize your responses in a minimum of 5 full pages (excluding title and reference pages). APA formatting is required.

How can an understanding and application of the concepts of organizational behavior help managers work in global organizations?
Discuss how managers in global organizations can effectively apply OB theory and practices to manage workforce diversity within their home country, and manage offsite employees?

Today’s managers face a myriad of challenges that leaders might not have experienced several decades ago or dreamed could exist. Identify at least six major categories of challenges and opportunities that managers face in applying organizational behavior concepts and leveraging organizational change. Include both internal and external environmental factors and provide examples.
Step 2: Write a paper.

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