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Select an individual whose career path is of specific motivation and/or inspiration to you. Situate your analysis in the relevant career management literature related to the following elements: the chosen individual’s stages of career development;


PERF 3006 Industry & Practice | Assessment 1 Analysis Paper & Presentation

Situate your analysis of a chosen professional in the relevant career management literature related to the following aspects: stages of career development; target market/audience; industry and organisation types and work environments; career progress according to the concepts of traditional vs. boundaryless vs. protean career characteristics; personality and interests; particular skill sets and transferable skills; life values and work values. Include how this particular career path informs your desired career path.

Analysis Paper (1A)

Students are to produce a 1500-word written paper. It must be referenced with appropriate sources (nb: a minimum of two academic sources should be used, with other sources more likely used eg interviews, business publications).

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