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Select organise and analyse and synthesise scholarly literature required to respond to your chosen question about the state of thinking and research as is relevant to your practice.

Select organise and analyse and synthesise scholarly literature required to respond to your chosen question about the state of thinking and research as is relevant to your practice.
By conducting and writing a literature review you demonstrate your advanced skills in locating, organising, analysing, synthesizing and evaluating information required to respond to your chosen question about the state of thinking and research relevant your practice. You demonstrate you knowledge and understanding of the limitations of the conceptual material and treatment frameworks emerging from the integration of neuroscience Brain Mind distinction, attachment theory and family systemic therapy (FST) research and other relevant domains of knowledge . This assessment task further develops you as a practitioner, researcher and lays the foundation for your future contributions to the research base and your participation in research to practice research. The task also includes your brief selection on practice acknowledgement of collaborative knowledge sharing discussion of ethical dilemmas, all of which are core to the development and expertise as a family and systemic therapist.
My question is What is the link between the quality of the narrative, the emotional experience and healing?

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