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How can someone secure their cell phone from the vulnerabilities described in your classmate’s post but also keep safety features like tracking the phone if it gets lost or stolen? What are the implications for minors and cell phones?

Question 1
Cell Phone Security

Nearly everyone has a cell phone. Often, people get phones and use them to promote personal safety. It is ironic that the very devices we use to ensure our personal safety are sometimes compromised themselves or worse, provide circumstances that leave us unprotected or vulnerable to exploitative technology or people.
We have to learn to protect the actual phone and our data https://www.tccrocks.com/blog/cell-phone-security-tips/
How do cell phones leave us vulnerable? How can a hacker or stalker use geo-tags to hurt you?
Respond to at least one of your classmates. How can someone secure their cell phone from the vulnerabilities described in your classmate’s post but also keep safety features like tracking the phone if it gets lost or stolen? What are the implications for minors and cell phones?

Question 2
https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/09/health/science-of-tech-obsession-partner/index.html This article is fascinating and talks about how companies use our information to keep us checking, buying, and using their apps.
Have you experienced this? How does it affect you? Do you think it is ethical?
Respond to at least one of your classmates. How can you fight against these marketing practices? How much of it do think is necessary?

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