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The Historical writings Leuchter and Lamb: Who was Solomon?

Who was Solomon?

Your answer MUST include:

(1) Methodological discussion of historiography as it pertains to answering this question;

(2) Consideration of biblical evidence in relation to characterisation and theological perspective; and

(3) Consideration of the archaeological evidence.


Scripture quotations and footnotes/references do NOT count in the word count. However, do NOT place large amounts of prose in footnotes.
Look for both direct and indirect epigraphical and/or archaeological evidence for the person you have chosen.


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
be able to discuss in a critical way issues relating to the interpretation of history and narrative in the Old Testament.
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role of archaeology, historiography and textual witness in reconstructing ancient Israelite history.
be able to demonstrate self-guided learning, including sound research, writing and communication skills.
In line with the learning outcomes above, this essay is designed to assess your ability to discuss critical issues relating to historiography and biblical narrative as they intersect in the Deuteronomistic History, using a character within that history as a case study.
Marking criteria and standards

This assignment will be marked on your ability to write a coherent, critical and comprehensive answer to the essay question.

Standards for Assessment criteria

Assignments must address the following criteria:

Demonstrate familiarity with the theoretical issues of historiography in Old Testament study
Demonstrate familiarity with the biblical traditions relating to the chosen character
Undertake scholarly discussion of extra-biblical evidence for the chosen character
Show evidence of critical engagement with a significant number of scholarly resources
Demonstrate original and independent thinking, using clear and concise writing and communication of ideas
Show evidence of careful proof-reading, resulting in few grammatical, spelling or typographical errors
Present a logical flow of ideas with appropriate use of headings and subheadings
Use correct and consistent citation of references adhering to Chicago or APA style.

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