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Based on what you’ve read about emotional intelligence (EQ), try to diagnose some characters from your favorite TV show. What aspects of EQ from the readings are these characters high or low in?

Discussion: Emotional Intelligence of TV Characters

Based on what you’ve read about emotional intelligence (EQ), try to diagnose some characters from your favorite TV show. What aspects of EQ from the readings are these characters high or low in? If you are not sure what show to use, I highly recommend the show Silicon Valley as the entire premise of the show revolves around a group of people with low EQ who are suddenly thrust into leadership of a multimillion dollar start-up company. Big Bang Theory should also be a ripe target for your diagnosis. This first post should be within the first few days of the module. Be specific with respect to which component of EQ these characters are high or low in.

Also, make note of interactions in your everyday life. If you experience any awkward situations with coworkers, friends, staff at a restaurant or store, etc., try to explain it in terms of the person’s EQ. Share your experience with a high or low EQ person sometime during the second week of the module.

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