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UK energy production from Deep Geothermal Energy in the North Sea: Assess students’ ability to design and undertake independent research; their competence in data evaluation, interpretation, and their ability to succinctly summarize their findings. 

UK energy production from Deep Geothermal Energy in the North Sea

Typical Dissertation format (each section starts from a new page)

Abstract: It should include a statement on the aims and objectives of the work. A brief note should follow this on the methodology, summary of main findings with their implications and limitations.

Chapter-1: Introduction – this chapter should provide an overview on the research project theme in a way that the purpose of the work undertaken becomes abundantly clear, with clear-cut research aims and objectives.

Chapter-2: A comprehensive review on the topic and related issues.

Chapter-3: Materials and Methods: Information on field site, sampling and experimental strategy adopted, methods of sampling or data collection, methods of chemical, physical or any other form of analysis, quality control measures for individual methodologies, and data testing techniques used. This chapter should also address Research Ethics.

Chapter-4: Results and Discussion. Include your results and explain what they mean. This should lead to discussing the findings in relation to how they relate to already available/known information/findings and their implications. Results and Discussion can also be written as separate chapters (4 and 5), however writing a combined chapter would help avoid unnecessary repetition.

Summary (or Conclusions): Summarise the whole project in no more than two A4 sheets. Also include a self-evaluation of any limitations with regard to the methodology used or the findings obtained.

References: Using a standard format, prepare the reference list of all references cited.  Make sure you have cited reasonable number of research papers, in addition to other sources of information.

Dissertation size: The dissertation word count is 10,000 words. This excludes references list and any appendix.

Dissertation Formatting Requirements:

Font: Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman
Font size: Minimum 12 (usually for the bulk of the text; subheads can be in bold or italics fonts, depending upon their level)

Maximum size 14 – mainly for chapter titles


Columns: None, single column text arrangement


Line space: Minimum space 1.5 (recommended)

Maximum space is double


Page numbers: All pages sequentially numbered
Margins: 2.5 cm (top, bottom and right) and 3.0 cm left



and Figures:


All should be numbered and referenced in the text, e.g. (Fig. 1 or Table 1). Make sure they have appropriate titles and legends. Use crisp black and white line art where possible.


Maps: Reference them as figures. Should also have a scale and/or grid in addition to a legend and title.



The assessment will be based solely on the submission of an original piece of research. This is divided into two elements:


Assessment Assessment criteria Percentage
Coursework-1 (Final Project Report, Dissertation) To assess students’ ability to design and undertake independent research; their competence in data evaluation, interpretation, and their ability to succinctly summarise their findings. 80%
Coursework-2 (Oral Seminar) To assess students’ skills in professional and academic (oral) communication 20%
Total 100%














“Deep geothermal energy north sea”













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