Assignment Brief
Task 1
Instructions: Describe the theoretical perspectives behind approaches to health and illness.
a) Describe 2 theoretical perspectives to health and illness.
b) Describe Parson’s ‘sick role’.
c) Describe stigmatization and its potential affect upon service users. (1000 words)
Task 2
Instructions: Evaluate differing models of health used within health and social care.
a) Evaluate 2 different models of healthcare delivery.
b) Using the case study provided justify a model of healthcare delivery which would be most appropriate.(1000 words)
Task 3
Instructions: Discuss how social inequalities influence the life chances and health status of individuals.
a) Discuss how the government measure morbidity and mortality across the UK.
b) Describe what is meant by social inequality in health and what factors influence it.
c) Discuss the use of health education and health promotion to improve the health of the nation.(1000 words)