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Construct an analysis/argument about how the news story, or stories, fit into larger academic discussions and debates about language, culture, and education opportunities.

In about 6 pages, double spaced, analyze one of the following news articles(one only) using five required readings(see the attachment I upload). Your aim is to construct an analysis/argument about how the news story, or stories, fit into larger academic discussions and debates about language, culture, and education opportunities; classroom practices for equity; and broader societal reform efforts. No outside sources, please.
Define and discuss the following topics (use these specific terms in your paper so it is easy for the grader to find – you can use these terms as subheadings for each section of your paper):
1. Group Identity and Group Variability (socioeconomic/linguistic/racial/cultural, etc.)
2. Oppositional Culture
3. Democracy (democratic schooling and schooling for democracy)
4. Reform Efforts and Movements/Activism
5. Schooling/Classroom Practices for Equity and Inclusion
Additionally, you should incorporate your own experiences (See the attachment I upload) and relevant aspects of your personal biography into your argument. While the emphasis should be on the course materials, try to make sense of these materials through your own background if/where appropriate.

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