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What is significant about this book in understanding psychology? What implications does it make about the behaviors discussed in this book?

Research questions: as you read and reflect on the book, respond the following questions to guide your writing:
1. Summarize the book: A. Who wrote it? What is the authors experience with psychology? B. What was it about? C. What side logical topics did the author explore in this work?
2. What did you learn about human thought and behavior that you did not previously know?
3. What approach to psychology does your book rely on to explain human behavior?
4. What details does the author provide that help you determine the approach to psychology the author used?
5. Does the author make a solid case for using this approach? Why or why not?
6. What other approach could explain the behavior explored in the book?
7. What was interesting about this particular book?
8. What is significant about this book in understanding psychology? What implications does it make about the behaviors discussed in this book?
9. Do you agree or disagree with the authors conclusion and/or explanations of explored behaviors? Explain and justify your answer.
10. How can you apply the ideas in this book to your life and/or the lives of people that have a significant impact on your life?
11. After reading this book, what else would you like to learn more about regarding this topic? GENERATE at least three questions!

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