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What news source/s do you get most of your news from? In your estimation, does this source/s do a reasonable job at keeping editorials on the editorial page and out of news reporting?

1. Write a description of an event (a paragraph or so in length) that has taken place using informative language and avoiding expressive or emotive language. The event can be something in the news or even something you recently experienced. Make believe that you are reporter who is reporting on the event, trying your best to keep your own feelings and attitudes out of your description by choosing language that is factual and emotionally neutral.
2. Now, revise your report, turning it into an editorial by discretely adding some emotive or expressive language.
3. Go online and look for a news source such as an online newspaper or a major news network such as CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, or CBS, and find a news report that is supposed to simply report the news but is really a disguised editorial. Write a brief paragraph describing the news story, the news organization you found it on, and what expressive and/or emotive language you found in it that makes it more like an editorial than a news story.
4. What news source/s do you get most of your news from? In your estimation, does this source/s do a reasonable job at keeping editorials on the editorial page and out of news reporting?

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