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Would the organization that you currently work for or one that you worked for in the past be a candidate for consideration in receiving the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards? Why or why not based on the 7 criteria?

Access the Malcolm Baldridge Awards Website and consider the following:
1. Note the award criteria worksheet Baldrige Criteria 101 (.doc).
2. Would the organization that you currently work for or one that you worked for in the past be a candidate for consideration in receiving the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards? Why or why not based on the 7 criteria? (1) Leadership, (2) Strategic Planning, (3) Customer Focus, (4) Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management, (5) Workforce Focus, (6) Operations Focus, and (7) Results
3. How does the MBNQA relate to organizational development and change?
4. Answer the following questions to facilitate discussion with your classmates:
a. Select a current award recipient winner whose selection made the biggest impression on you. Which organization was it?
b. How was this award recipient able to get their organization and people to function better?
c. Provide one specific examples, of items that you can transfer from the recipients’ best practices to your present organization or one you were associated with in the past. You may have to visit the award winner’s organizational web site to gather further information about the organization. Ensure the two examples are thoroughly explained.

Textbook: An Experiential Approach to Organization Development 8th Edition

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