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Explain and critically appraise Mancur Olson’s contention that the apparently revived South of the US ‘will fall again’.


Explain and critically appraise Mancur Olson’s contention that the apparently revived South of the US ‘will fall again’.

Reference: Mancur Olson, ‘The South Will Fall Again: The South as Leader and Laggard in Economic Growth’, Southern Economic Journal, 49(4),917- 932, 1983.

Essays should be written in sections. Students should begin their essay with a clear statement of (i) the question at hand, (ii) the answer they are advancing, and (iii) a summary (or anticipation) of their case for their answer.

A sensible word length should suggest itself. Around 2,500 words is probably requisite to do justice to a topic. You may well wish to write more, and there is no limit. But redundancy will be penalised, whatever the length of the essay.

Essays with plagiarised content will be awarded a zero mark, and reported to the Dean.

Please use ‘author: date’ style references that is standard in the social sciences eg: Author (2003) said, “English changed my life” (p 45). Then in the list of references at the end add,

If book:
Author, A. B. and B. C. Author (2009) Book Title in Italics in Full, Location: Publisher.

If chapter in edited volume:
Author, A. B. (2009) ‘Chapter Title’, in C. D. Editor and E. F. Another Editor (eds.) Book Title in Italics, Location: Publisher.

If journal article:
Author, A. B. (2009) ‘Article Title’, Journal Title in Italics in Full, volume, issue, page range.

If online document:
Author, A. B. (2009) ‘Document Title’ Source: http://www.theinternet.com/mypaper.html (accessed 10/10/2009).

Marks will be deducted if references to sources and bibliography is not provided.

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