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What percentage of your shoes or sneakers will you willing to pay for the extensive cleaning for your shoes?

Sneakers Paradise


1.Executive Summary:

Introduction of sneakers paradise project, the reason about why choose this industry to develop, basic luxury products consumption, analysis of different luxury brand shoes producer.

2.Current Situation:

2.1 Basic Company Information:  Annual report of StockX and GOAT.

2.2 Vision and Mission:


  1. Make contribution to protect environment due to sneaker paradise aim to prolong shoes’ lifespan which can decrease the raw material using.
  2. The number of sneakers and shoes collectors are increasing year by year, thus sneaker paradise offering an opportunity to servicing this group of customers.


  1. The main services about this business is washing and maintain shoes and sneakers.
  2. To consider those customers who are shoes collector, we are offering door-to-door services to assist them to manage their shoes.

2.3 Products and Services: 1. Shoes care and washing.  2. Customization: assist shoes collectors to maintain and store their shoes.

2.4 Core Competencies:

The current shoes care market, most of stores do not offering shoes care and washing, even shoes maintain services.

3.External Environment:


3.2 Market Analysis (data from questionnaire and basic survey)

3.3 Competitor Analysis: ????

3.4 Competitive Advantages: professional shoes care services offering, assist shoes collectors manage their shoes, Application (APP) will be launched for shoes and luxury brand sneakers to selling and buying.

4.  Strategies and Plans

4.1 Strategic Objectives and Goals

Objectives: to solve a problem is shoes care and washing, Appeal to more customers enjoy our services, create our brand reputation.

Goals: 1. Explore potential customers (the publics, students, shoes collectors)

  1. different normal shoes store, the major services include shoes care and washing.

4.2 Business Strategy: ?????

4.3 Business Model: Canvas

4.4 Marketing Plan: 4p’s

  1. Financial Analysis

Profitability and Sustainability Analysis

Sales Projections

Operating Costs

Capital Spending

Funding Requirement

  1. Risk Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Specific Risks and Mitigation

Alternative Scenarios

  1. Conclusion
  2. Sources
  3. Appendices



  1. Are you trouble in shoes care and washing?
  2. Agree
  3. Strong agree
  4. Not agree
  5. How often will you buy a new pair of shoes or sneaker for yourself?

a.2-3 weeks

  1. a month
  2. half a year
  3. What price will you accept to buy a pair of shoes or sneakers?
  4. Under £ 50
  5. Under £ 100
  6. Over £ 100
  7. What price can be defined as a luxury shoes or sneakers?
  8. Over £ 100
  9. Over £ 300
  10. Over £ 500
  11. What percentage of your shoes or sneakers will you willing to pay for the extensive cleaning for your shoes?
  12. 2% – 5%
  13. 5% – 10%
  14. Over 10%
  15. Are you a shoes or sneakers collectors?
  16. Yes
  17. No
  18. No, but sometimes will
  19. Do you like to collect luxury sneakers, joint brand shoes or limited-edition sneakers?
  20. Yes
  21. No
  22. Maybe



The Business Plan Template

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Current Situation

Basic Company Information

Vision and Mission

Company Values

(and if existing business the following:)


Organisational Structure

Products and Services

Core Competencies

  1. External Environment / Context


Needs Analysis

Market Analysis (primary and secondary market data required)

Competitor Analysis

Competitive Advantages

  1. Strategies and Plans

Strategic Objectives and Goals

Business Strategy

Business Model

Marketing Plan

  1. Financial Analysis

Profitability and Sustainability Analysis

Sales Projections

Operating Costs

Capital Spending (if any)

Funding Requirement

  1. Risk Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Specific Risks and Mitigation

Alternative Scenarios

  1. Conclusion
  2. Sources
  3. Appendices


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