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In the document name ‘Lit review & Methodology with notes’ you will find the introduction, lit review and methodology previously carried out by UK Writings; Explore the interpretations made from carrying out the research and the data collected with recommendations made throughout the chapter.

In the document name ‘Lit review & Methodology with notes’ you will find the introduction, lit review and methodology previously carried out by UK Writings1, I have received feedback on how to improve on them which I left in the document. Please make amends as you see fit.


The next section includes:

Findings and Data- in this section could you please describe what the questionnaire has found, please include references as you see fit to each question. This section should have a word count of 3500 -3700 words as a maximum.


The next section should include:

Discussion & Conclusion- this section should explore the interpretations made from carrying out the research and the data collected with recommendations made throughout the chapter. Please ensure that you refer back to the research questions in the aims & objectives section in the document attached to ensure that the work is flowing and the questions are answered. This section should also have a maximum word count of 3500-3700


The final Chapter includes:

Reflection of learning – What did I learn from carrying out this research, what skills have I gained and what did I find difficult/challenging/easy. This section must have a maximum word count 800 words



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