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A Quantitative Case Study of Socioeconomic factors that influence Post-Secondary plans of Urban African Americans High School Students.

A Quantitative Case Study of Socioeconomic factors that influence Post-Secondary plans of Urban African Americans High School Students.


            There is a significantly lower post-secondary education uptake by urban African-American students. Understanding the need that they have and why there is a lower uptake is essential to the general understanding that should exist in society. Violence and poverty are the primary factors affecting the post-secondary plans made by these students, and this will then lead off to a low uptake that is relative to the position taken. The difficulty in growing up while in the urban areas is the primary reason that affects the understanding that the students have, and this will then lead to a lack of knowledge in their lives. Planning has a direct relationship to the environment that one is in, and as such, it is essential to understand the needs that exist between all the involved parties and how they will lead their lives. There is a demographical difference in the education level that various parties have, and this is indicative of the lack of understanding that exists in the planning and success that should be in education.


            Socioeconomic factors are central to the decision-making process taken up by individuals across all age and ethnic groups. The issue under focus in this study will be the effects of poverty and violence on the planning process of high school students, that ultimately leads to their low uptake in post-secondary education across multiple areas of inquiry. Urban African American adolescents living in their unique environments, and as such, it is essential to understand the needs that they have to change amongst themselves for success in all areas of interaction that they have.

Racial differences and the need to excel in various levels of interaction mostly revolves on an understanding of the requirements that have to exist between multiple parties, and the specific attributes that they want to achieve amongst themselves. Urban areas have specific neighborhood segregations based on race and income (Mode, Evans, & Zonderman, 2016). Neighborhoods have particular attributes that influence the lives of the residents who live therein. Low-income communities have great social ills and a general lack of understanding of the needs that have to exist between the involved parties for success in their interactions amongst themselves. The lack of appropriate governmental support for the various challenges that are affecting the residents in the different areas will lead to the lack of understanding on the needs that they have and will affect the planning that the adolescents have. Poverty is a significant factor in the knowledge that various parties have and is the difference between success and failure in the greater American society.

Different factors point out the changes that are taking place in post-secondary education. The primary influencers for an individual to go to college are the family (Berg, 2016). As such, a supportive educational family will influence a focus by the children to succeed in their educational endeavors. Statistical evidence points to unfavorable admission policies that disadvantage low-income students. Besides, the financial aid policies in place majorly disadvantage the low-income students, and it is thus increasingly difficult to understand the needs that they have and how best they will interact amongst themselves. The disparity that exists in the equality for students from low-income areas is indicative of their lack of position in society, and it affects how they perceive their lives and the situation that they will succeed. The final evidential factor under focus is the fact that Private Universities attract more low-income students than the Public Universities, pointing to disparity and the lack of understanding that exists in the position chosen by the policymakers. The undeserved expenses that the low-income earners have to endure for the attainment of a post-secondary education deter them from focusing on the needs that they individually have, and this ultimately affects their way of life.

Youth living in urban environments have a high risk of exposure to violence in their communities. The statistical data points to a violence rate of up to 90% amongst urban adolescents regardless of racial inclination (Elsaesser, Hong, & Voisin, 2016). The environment that surrounds urban youth is one of violence and the lack of understanding between them. As such, it is increasingly difficult to ascertain the needs that they have amongst themselves and the efforts made to know of the success levels that they have. Students growing up in areas with high violence rates have adverse outcomes in their lives, mostly revolving around the low academic performance, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress due to the daily interactions that they have. The social interactions and the violence manifest themselves in different areas of their lives and may appear both in the school and home environments.

The violence level for African American youths exposes them to different social behaviors and understanding than their peers from different societal areas of living. Due to the limited finances to live in safe neighborhoods, most Black youths undergo high exposure to the many societal ills, and this affects the understanding that they ultimately have amongst themselves. There is a significantly elevated risk for these youth to undergo exposure to harmful forms of violence, such as homicides and aggravated assaults (Sheats et al., 2018). The difficult upbringing affects the mental health of the individuals, and they may refuse to engage in post-secondary planning due to the lack of hope in their situation. Violence at home has adverse effects on the equality enshrined in the lives of adolescents since it affects the planning behavior that the individuals have. Besides, the adolescents may decide to engage in harmful behavior such as crime, and as such will not go on with their education.

Violence in schools is another dominant form of derogatory behavior that ultimately affects the decision-making abilities of the youths in post-secondary education. Bullying is a widespread form of violence, and it negates the position of schools as safe havens for students living in crime-infested neighborhoods. Bullying is a collection of various factors that influence the upbringing of youth in multiple communities (Elsaesser, Hong, & Voisin, 2016). It is a significant determinant in the post-secondary education planning undertaken by students, especially those who undergo bullying and do not understand the reasons for the negative behavior directed towards them. Racial bias towards Black students makes them vulnerable to high cases of bullying, and this affects the learning curve that they undertake in for success in their studies. For most African American youths, academic engagement is the protective aspect of their lives, and bringing in bullying affects their future since they will not want to do more with education.

The societal imbalance majorly on education due to violence and poverty is the epitome of the interactions that happen between various parties. It is increasingly difficult to understand the reasons behind the success levels that each party has to have. African American youths have high exposure to violence both in their neighborhoods and in school, while their families live in high poverty levels that ultimately affect the understanding that they have amongst themselves. The social reasons surrounding the lack of knowledge amongst the African American youths is the reason behind the success levels that they will have, and this will better their interactions. Equality in education is an essential requirement of the government, and it is thus crucial to focus on the plight of the vulnerable and work out ways to better their lives for success in the future.

Socioeconomic factors surrounding the African American youths are responsible for the decisions that they are going to make. The harsh environment that these students grow up in is the reason for the low uptake in education that they have (Barrow, Armstrong, Vargo, & Boothroyd, 2017). There is an apparent lack of motivation to continue engaging in school, and it is this situation that describes the lives that the students participate in. The specific needs that they have ensure that they do not have to struggle with themselves and the condition that they have. The urban African-American students are highly resilient and strive to change the situations that they engage in for the better. Education is an expensive option for them, and they will thus not push forward in their quest to engage in it, and this will affect how they perceive life and the various involved attributes. A combination of the factors that affect their lives and the traits that they want will lead to a lack of emphasis on the lives led, and this will reduce educational focus by the societal members.

The basis of the argument for the disregard for post-secondary education is due to inequality that the sample population undergo exposure to. It is increasingly challenging to ensure that there is equity in the interactions that exist between various parties. The notion of understanding and relevance is disseminated in the final knowledge base that exists, and this later leads to better resource allocation and the balancing of resources. Socioeconomic factors revolve around the inequality that this population has to undergo, especially regarding how other members of different communities perceive them and their understanding of issues. Poverty has a direct relationship to poor academic performance (Berg, 2016). Demographic differences may explain the changes that exist, but the poor are directly perceived to be lacking intellectually. As such, it is difficult to gain credibility or a balanced education while regarding the needs that the various parties have in their lives.

The low levels of planning and consequent enrollment of African-American youths in post-secondary education is a worrying trend that affects the understanding that various parties have as they focus on leading their lives more effectively. There is high inequality in the uptake levels, and as such, it is essential to understand the reasons for the variation in the interactions that exist, and how various parties will lead their lives. Since there is a focus on educational equality and equity across all ethnic groups, understanding the exertion level that the specific parties have with each other will allow for the development of solutions that will address the problem. The challenges affecting African American youth will undergo practical analysis, and there will be the making of the necessary changes to remedy the situation and ensure the betterment of the achievement of the plans set forth.

The importance of this research topic is the fact that it delves into the fundamental aspects of human interaction and the needs that they have within them to succeed. Various limitations in life work to destroy the success that African American students have in their lives, and this ultimately leads to a more difficult time expressing themselves and leading life effectively. The inequality in education is a negative trend for all the involved parties, and as such, ensuring that there is an understanding of the needs that exist between the involved parties ensures that they lead life effectively for their benefit and that of the society in general. The African American students deserve equal opportunities, and it is thus essential to create policies that will favor their education and allow for their success in the future.



Problem Statement

            The social and economic factors surrounding urban African American students is the primary challenge in their post-secondary plans, thus negating their need to further their education and achieve greatness according to society. Violence is the primary social factor affecting the understanding that exists between the students, since education is highly expensive (Elsaesser, Hong, & Voisin, 2016). A focus on social disparity based on university intakes points to a lack of understanding of the need to excel between the involved parties, and this reduces the chances that exist for proper agreement between them. The urban African American families continue to live in poverty, and this affects how their children perceive and engage in education in their lives. The difficulties in attaining education due to financial challenges outweigh the need to balance between each other, and this affects the understanding that they have. There is inequality in the admissions process, and the deserving students are left out of the selection criterion for their knowledge, and this will then affect the understanding that exists between them.

The issue of equality and equity is a present one in education, with increased efforts focusing on ensuring that all parties understand the interactions that they should have and how demographics affect educational profiling. Specific statistical data points to a low African American presence in post-secondary education, as much as 20% lower than their White and Asian counterparts (Berg, 2016). The strong evidential backing points to a lack of understanding of the needs that each party has and how they want to interact with each other in the long run. Achieving equity in post-secondary education should be the focus of policymakers to ensure that there is an adequate understanding between them, and this will lead to better resource allocation and success between the involved parties.

Students usually have high aspirations to join college and excel therein. There are no demographical differences in the desires since they are uniform across multiple racial groups (Bryan, Farmer-Hinton, Rawls, & Woods, 2017). However, after completing high school, there are considerable differences in students from various racial groups who join college. There is a clear understanding that needs to exist for the creation of appropriate conclusions that will focus on the students’ college uptake and their ability to interact amongst themselves. The social and economic challenges that affect the uptake of college and university by urban African American students is an essential point of focus that will establish the relative need for success that they have amongst themselves, and the eventuality in the interactions that they have. Without equity in the education system, it is impossible to gain total equity in social interactions, and this will affect the understanding that various parties have as they interact.

Purpose Statement

            The purpose of this quantitative study is to establish the socioeconomic factors affecting the post-secondary plans for urban African-American high school students, and the reasons behind the disparity in their intake. Violence and low-income are the primary factors under focus, with an emphasis on how they reduce post-secondary uptake by African American students. The uptake of post-secondary education has variations in how various parties consider it, and this affects the general understanding that exists, and the focus that there is on the success level of the students. There is inadequate research carried out to point out the socioeconomic factors that affected the post-secondary and college plans for African American students.

This research will focus on using statistical data from various sources to make inferences on the understanding that exists, and how various parties lead their lives. The sampling frame will be the African American students in urban areas, and there will be a focus on their lives and how specific factors therein affect the way that they perceive and engage in post-secondary education. Focusing on the significant socioeconomic factors affecting their education will lead to a better understanding of the investments that should be made for ultimate success in the educational goals created.

Research Questions

  1. To find out the effects of violence and poverty on decisions made by African-American high school students.
  2. To understand the relationship between the decisions made and the specific progress in post-secondary education.
  3. To establish the specific difference between college aspirations and the variation during application in urban African-American students.

Research Method and Design

This is a correlational study that measures the various attributes involved in the interactions that multiple parties have amongst themselves, and the impact that this has in a general understanding that will prevail amongst them. It uses pre-collected information to gauge the relationships and how they affect the variables involved. African American students have varying reasons for their low intake in post-secondary education. However, statistical evidence points out poverty and violence as the primary determinant factors for the decisions and plans made during the intake process. The design that will be undertaken in the accomplishment of this research will focus on the needs that the various parties have, and this mostly revolves around the requirements that they want to establish amongst themselves. It will be a collection of statistical evidence undertaken by multiple agencies and educational researchers to develop uniformity and the appropriateness of the relationships shared amongst the variables involved in the interactions.

Appropriateness of the Method

The efficacy in this method is because it will only focus on the needs that have to undergo achievement by the various parties while establishing the specific attributes of interaction required for fruitful interactions. The focus of the study is to substantiate the relationships between multiple parties and will substantiate the interaction levels that will exist between the various parties. There are specific goals and targets in this study, and using this approach ensures that there is maximum inferencing for appropriate conclusion making on the differences required for success between various parties. It is possible to understand how the various parties interact, and this will later lead to the development of proper practices between the involved parties, allowing for the continuation of requisite skills and the interaction required.

The problem in this identified sample is the lack of continuance to post-secondary education, and this affects the general understanding that they achieve amongst themselves. Violence affects the perception that students have and will thus change their planning behavior. Since families are the primary determinant factors in the quest for education, it will be increasingly difficult for a family in a violence-prone area to value the need for training (Berg, 2016). The youths will thus look for more critical areas to engage in, and therefore, there will be a disregard for education. The violence that surrounds them may appeal to them, and they may engage in social degrade behavior such as drug-taking and crime. Cases of rape and premarital sex will also be on the rise, and this will reduce the educational emphasis by the involved personnel. Even though there is a push for equality and equity in post-secondary education, the statistical evidence points to low focus by the concerned parties on the inclusion of the ethnic minorities, and this affects the understanding that ultimately exists on post-secondary education planning. High incidents of crime affect the psychological state of the students, and there is an apparent disregard for education.

Various bodies of information showcase the need between multiple parties to understand the requirements that they have amongst themselves, and this will lead to better success delivery for their lives. The purpose of this study is to infer the socioeconomic factors affecting post-secondary education plans for African-American students, and the statistical backing in various sources ensures that there is possible documentation on the varying needs between parties. The decision-making behavior of youths in this stage of life leads on to a better understanding of how they will lead their lives, and whether or not they will pursue higher education. It is possible to effect changes in policies and other areas of understanding by establishing the interactions that exist between different parties, and concluding the interactions that various parties have through the success levels that they want to achieve. Violence and poverty are the primary variables affecting post-secondary education uptake by these students and consequently allow for the balancing of resources for success amongst them. Relationships are the basis of this behavior, and as such, understanding it will entail the appropriate use of statistics to infer relationships between the variables and the population sample.

The research questions presented primarily focus on the need between various parties and the best way to affect the understanding that they have amongst themselves. Decisions made by this specific sample have undergone extensive research, and it is thus possible to infer how they think in the wake of violence and poverty. Understanding their decision-making behavior and the attributes that they will share amongst themselves will lead to the creation of a successful campaign that will focus on the specific strengths that exist between various parties. After finding out the decision-making behavior for the sample, it is then possible to deduce the relationships between them and the decisions made in joining post-secondary education. The students will make life-altering decisions out of the situations that surround them, and it is thus better to establish a proper understanding of their lives. The reason for the making of the decisions is what will lead to the actualization, and understanding this relationship helps in the knowledge that various parties have with themselves. The final research question focuses on the high aspirations that students have while in secondary school regardless of ethnic background, and the resultant change in the understanding that they have (Bryan, Farmer-Hinton, Rawls, & Woods, 2017). The level of aspiration for post-secondary education should relate to a higher uptake and consequently, better understanding between the involved parties. There is an inverse relationship between the desires that students have and the ultimate intakes in the post-secondary institutions of learning. Understanding the dynamics involved is beneficial in the changing of the systems at work.

The accomplishment of the Study Goals

            The variables involved in this study are mostly relational, and the understanding that exists bases itself on the relative success that should arise in their interaction with each other. Using a correlational method of obtaining information leads to improved knowledge of how the various variables interact. It also provides a reference point for future research that will focus on the specific needs that the individual engaging parties have amongst themselves. The planning that the students make is as a result of various factors, but violence and poverty are the primary ones. It is possible to deduce their relationship and thus make informed choices on why there is a lower uptake of post-secondary education amongst urban African-American students.

The design chosen for this study is appropriate according to the established interactions that exist and will imply a better understanding of the needs that the various parties have amongst themselves. Educational researchers continually seek to determine the causes of inequality in education and the different upheld practices that exist, and this leads on to a better understanding of their interactions. The efficacy in this design stems from the vast amount of statistical data that will undergo analysis to make the appropriate conclusions based on the provided options.it will then be possible to understand the relationships that exist between various parties, and this will lead to better knowledge passing and the understanding for students’ behavior.

The correlational method of the research aligns to the purpose and research questions adequately. The purpose of the study is to establish the role of poverty and violence on the decisions made by African American students on the subject of post-secondary education. As such, using these factors and their relationship to the sample population, it is possible to deduce relationships and provide a leeway for their interaction. The research questions mostly revolve around the understanding of the decision-making behavior for these students and how it later affects their behavior while contemplating post-secondary education. This is a relationship between their decision-making patterns and the continuation with their studies. The final research question bases itself on the variation in aspirations to post-secondary education and the ultimate uptake by the students. It is a relational aspect of the high hopes that the students had while in secondary school as compared to the low outcomes that arise in their actual enrollment in colleges and universities.

Method Support

            The method chosen bases itself on the understanding that various parties have and the interactions that exist between them. It allows for the identification and analysis of the relationship between the different aspects of knowledge that exist between various parties. The particular interaction required for success between the various involved parties is the relationship between decision making and actualization of the dreams and aspirations in post-secondary education. The outcomes experienced in the detailed interactions all conclude with a direct correlation between the students’ behavior and their ability to interact amongst themselves to effect meaningful changes.

The basis of decision making is the environment that one is in. As such, urban African American students have a unique blend of decisions to make based on their upbringing and the situations that are surrounding them. Violence, including major crime, is a consistent factor in their lives. It changes the decision-making behavior that they have regarding their interaction and the specific attributes that they will want to achieve in their lives. Evidential facts bring out the relationship between poverty and secondary school education. There is inequality in financial support and intake opportunities in Public Universities, and the students thus decide to stay away and engage in better activities with their lives. The basis of the research method is relationships, while this study is a relational investigation on the various factors that will affect the understanding that exists between multiple parties and the ultimate success level that they want amongst themselves. Also, the perception that the African Americans are not mentally endowed negates their motivation for study. The effects on the psychological state of the students and how they perceive their surroundings will affect their perception of life and the educational choices that they are making for themselves and their community.

Data Gathering Techniques and Analyses Processes

            The design chosen for this study is the gathering of data from multiple sources and entails the complete analysis to determine the relationships amongst the variables involved. The collection of data will be from recent scholarly sources that provide psychological attributes of the sample population, as well as their relative uptake in education across all levels. Crime and violence statistics for the sample population will also undergo analysis to determine the relationships that they have and how best to handle the interactions that they have amongst themselves. Since it is a correlational study, it will be possible to deduce the relationships that the variables have and how best to engage them for better success in the interactions that exist. It is easy to conclude student behavior due to their numbers and the uniformity, and the lack of focus by this specific sample population to engage in post-secondary education allows for the inquiry into their relationship with similar interactions in their lives.

Data analysis for this project is highly sophisticated, and as such, will require for the application of professional software to deduce relationships and provide appropriate analysis. SPSS will be used in this project to give statistical backing to the interactions that exist between the various parties, and this will later move on to higher success levels. The analysis provided using this tool will make it easy for the answering of the research questions based on their specific needs and the understanding that exists. Statistics will easily support the relationships inferred and will point out the reasons that drive the students away from post-secondary education. The population sample has numerous data sources that will pinpoint the existing relationships, and this will then lead to balancing in the way of life led by the various involved parties. Using SPSS will provide statistical backing for the information collected, and will ensure proper understanding amongst the involved parties.

The sample size for this study will be based on the collected data from urban centers in America, and the national statistics that analyze the educational levels across various demographics and population understanding. The vastness in the sample size will undergo leveraging through the extensive use of sources that will provide credible data and ensure the balancing of the knowledge that exists.




Barrow, F. H., Armstrong, M. I., Vargo, A., & Boothroyd, R. A. (2017). Understanding the Findings of Resilience-Related Research for Fostering the Development of African American Adolescents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America16(2), 393-413. doi:10.1016/j.chc.2006.12.004



Berg, G. A. (2016). Low-Income Students and the Perpetuation of Inequality: Higher Education in America. Routledge.



Bryan, J., Farmer-Hinton, R., Rawls, A., & Woods, C. S. (2017). Social Capital and College-Going Culture in High Schools: the Effects of College Expectations and College Talk on Students’ Postsecondary Attendance. Professional School Counseling21(1), 1096-2409-21.1.. doi:10.5330/1096-2409-21.1.95



Elsaesser, C., Hong, J. S., & Voisin, D. R. (2016). Violence exposure and bullying among African American adolescents: Examining the protective role of academic engagement. Children and Youth Services Review70, 394-402. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.10.010



Mode, N. A., Evans, M. K., & Zonderman, A. B. (2016). Race, Neighborhood Economic Status, Income Inequality and Mortality. PLOS ONE11(5), e0154535. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154535



Sheats, K. J., Irving, S. M., Mercy, J. A., Simon, T. R., Crosby, A. E., Ford, D. C., … Morgan, R. E. (2018). Violence-Related Disparities Experienced by Black Youth and Young Adults: Opportunities for Prevention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine55(4), 462-469. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2018.05.017



Appendix: Annotated Bibliography

Barrow, F. H., Armstrong, M. I., Vargo, A., & Boothroyd, R. A. (2017). Understanding the Findings of Resilience-Related Research for Fostering the Development of African American Adolescents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America16(2), 393-413. doi:10.1016/j.chc.2006.12.004

This article focuses on the lives of African American adolescents and the relative resilience that they showcase in the various activities that they engage in. This group of individuals has lower social and economic opportunities than their peers, and this article strives to retain hope in handlers due to the resilience that this group of people has. The article delves into various external factors that may affect the lives of these people and ends by showing how they prevail amid circumstances to lead the life in their unique way.

Berg, G. A. (2016). Low-Income Students and the Perpetuation of Inequality: Higher Education in America. Routledge.

This book by a highly experienced author delves into low-income students and the different levels of inequality that they go through in their daily lives. The book begins by showing how there is the skewing of the system to fail the students from low-income areas while showing how their families cannot support them through school effectively. The book also focuses on the lower opportunities for low-income students, with the current policies in place only favoring the rich and middle-class. The state of affairs in college education points to a lower value for the degree by low-income families due to the way of life that they lead. It ends with a call of action to focus on the plight of the vulnerable in education.

Bryan, J., Farmer-Hinton, R., Rawls, A., & Woods, C. S. (2017). Social Capital and College-Going Culture in High Schools: The Effects of College Expectations and College Talk on Students’ Postsecondary Attendance. Professional School Counseling21(1), 1096-2409-21.1.. doi:10.5330/1096-2409-21.1.95

This scholarly article by experienced authors is an analytical exposure of the disconnect that happens between college aspirations and the actualization of the same. It begins by pointing out how there is an established way of life that revolves around the enrolment into college after the completion of secondary education. There is a focus on the aspirations that exist in high school students, and the results point to a unified stand on the need to join post-secondary education. The article proposes that there should be a shift in the work done in high school to motivate the students to take up post-secondary education.

Elsaesser, C., Hong, J. S., & Voisin, D. R. (2016). Violence exposure and bullying among African American adolescents: Examining the protective role of academic engagement. Children and Youth Services Review70, 394-402. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.10.010

These three authors focus on the violence that exists in schools and the environments in which students are growing in. Violence is a present issue for African American students, and most of them experience it either at home or in school. Bullying is one of the practices that break the understanding that exists between the involved parties and leads on to a better understanding of the interactions that they will have in their lives. Academic engagement is one of the activities through which students can shift their focus from bullying activities, and consequently focus themselves on understanding the interactions that they have amongst themselves.

Mode, N. A., Evans, M. K., & Zonderman, A. B. (2016). Race, Neighborhood Economic Status, Income Inequality, and Mortality. PLOS ONE11(5), e0154535. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154535

There is a direct relationship between neighborhood economic status, race, income inequality, and mortality. These experienced authors delve into the variations that happen based on these parameters, and how there is a direct effect on the lives of the involved persons. The race is an important factor in mortality rates, with African Americans having a higher mortality rate. This is because they are poorer, and as such, have a more difficult time leading life amongst themselves. The social factors that affect the lives of the young as they grow will influence their behavior in the future.

Sheats, K. J., Irving, S. M., Mercy, J. A., Simon, T. R., Crosby, A. E., Ford, D. C., … Morgan, R. E. (2018). Violence-Related Disparities Experienced by Black Youth and Young Adults: Opportunities for Prevention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine55(4), 462-469. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2018.05.017

The focus of this work is the violence levels that Black Youth and Young adults go through in their daily lives. This group of people underwent exposure to high forms of violence that would affect their daily activities and how they led their lives. The physical and mental health of these individuals was affected by the situations that they were going through, and this later implied the relationship that they wanted to achieve with each other. For meaningful change to take place in the lives of these individuals, there should be a focus on establishing the interactions that they have, and later using the same to proper policies to drive their interaction and lives.


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