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Create a comprehensive marketing strategy to enhance the performance of products and/or services throughout their life cycles.

Create a comprehensive marketing strategy to enhance the performance of products and/or services throughout their life cycles; paper requirements/instructions are attached and rubric/areas that need to be met.
The marketing plan includes the development of an excel spread sheet which i am counting as a page or two, not sure; Summarize the company’s budget,
Financial Assessment; schedule and monitoring in a spreadsheet, and include comments.(sales forecast, expense forecast, marketing expenditures alignment with strategy and tactics, Break even analysis).

I would like the marketing strategy to be done on Starbucks; a resource/report I was planning on using is also attached, if it can help;
Dudovskiy, J. (2017). Starbucks Corporation Report, Retrieved from https://research-methodology.net/research-methodology/referencing/

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