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Drawing on theoretical perspectives, policy frameworks in early childhood education and care, together with scholarly literature, write a 1400-word essay discussing

Drawing on theoretical perspectives, policy frameworks in early childhood education and care, together with scholarly literature, write a 1400-word essay discussing:

1.The importance of play and learning
2.How you would reflect the Principles and Practices of the National Early Years Learning Framework EYLF(DEEWR, 2009) as part of your teaching pedagogy in planning a play-based educational program for children aged 2 to 5 years
3.Relationships, intentional scaffolding and how you would engage with children in play through opportunities you could create for co-playing skills, the different roles you would take and when and why children’s choices in play might be challenged
(Sub headings can be used within the essay)

Quality essays include strong introductions with the body of your work addressing criteria and also a conclusion summing up. Scholarly references will need to support your discussion and help get your points across.

Assessment Criteria:

Presents as a personal ‘play’ pedagogy in relation to intended practice planning a play-based educational program and reflects theoretical and research perspectives re importance and value of play and learning within an early childhood education and care context (10%)

EYLF Principles and Practices underpinning current learning and development policy frameworks in early childhood education and care guide the play pedagogy (10%)

Relationships, intentional scaffolding and how student would engage with children in play through opportunities for co-playing skills through different roles are discussed and include how, when and why children’s choices in play might be challenged (10%)

Layout is logically organised/presented with student name/number on header, and word count indicated; written with clarity, correct spelling, grammar and punctuation (5%)

Essay critically evaluates scholarly literature with appropriateness of quoting, paraphrasing and citing references in text (APA6) with a list of references attached in correct (APA6) format (5%)

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