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Discuss how you would evaluate whether the outcome is achieved or not. Remember to keep the theoretical orientation in mind.

Submit a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should include 11–12 slides. • The writing on each slide should use bullet points, meaning no long paragraphs of written text should be in the slides. Your presentation should address the following: • Identify the theoretical orientation you have selected to use. • Describe how you would assess the […]

Differentiate between categories like…language usage, time in China etc.- make full use of your data P35 Don’t set up coping strategies in advance, use a bottom-up approach. Retranslate the Chinese title

Foreign students’ perceptions toward online quality (case study in North Chinese university) 1. Comments:Framework should be constructed both consider the perception and learning . What is the structure of perception? What is the structure of online learning? 2. During the data coding you didn`t give full insight. Differentiate between categories like…language usage, time in China […]

What’s is the non-benefits of Service-Learning Pull Out Program for elementary Gifted students?Will the Service-Learning pull out program become a model of Leadership trainings for elementary Gifted students?

Gifted Education Pull Out Program for Gifted Elementary Students: focused on Services Learning for Developing Leadership Ability in Asia Part of the research questions: a. What’s is the benefits of Service-Learning Pull Out Program for elementary Gifted students? b. What’s is the non-benefits of Service-Learning Pull Out Program for elementary Gifted students? c. Will the […]

Explain the unique aspects of elementary students’ language development.Reflect upon the role that language, culture, and diversity will have in your future classroom.

English language learners have multiple factors that affect their English language acquisition and overall learning in a classroom, including their native language and culture. Research two scholarly articles related to the role that language, culture, and diversity play in the learning process in the classroom. In a 500-750 word essay: • Summarize the articles. • […]

What does social justice in an African-centered education for African American school-aged children look like?What is the difference between an African-centered education and a Eurocentric education?

African American Studies- “African-Centered Education: An Approach to Schooling for Social Justice for African American Students” and “Developing a Black History and Black Studies Course Using Black Historical Consciousness Framework” In a minimum of two pages in essay format using MLA style, please answer and discuss the following questions: 1. First impressions-What parts of the […]

Critically evaluates 3 peer reviewed, current articles/ journals on the above research question. and sumarise if loose parts can indeed encourage older children between the ages of 9 and 12 to explore the outdoors more.

“will the introduction of loose parts encourage the older children in the setting to explore the outdoors more” Critically evaluates 3 peer reviewed, current articles/ journals on the above research question. and sumarise if loose parts can indeed encourage older children between the ages of 9 and 12 to explore the outdoors more.

Distinguish between, and evaluate, different perspectives and proposed responses to educational and social problems/issues that can affect learning and progression.

Inclusive Pedagogy and Evidencing Impact on Learners 1. Distinguish between, and evaluate, different perspectives and proposed responses to educational and social problems/issues that can affect learning and progression. 2. Critically evaluate notions of transformative learning and how these may relate to principles of social justice. 3. Interpret and critically appraise own resourcefulness and application of […]

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