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Reflect on the three economic systems: Capitalism, Socialism and Communism.

Reflective Journal 2 and Reflective Journal 3


The second reflective entry requires you to reflect on the three economic systems: Capitalism, Socialism and Communism. Choose the system you think is most likely to deliver a ‘fair’ society and discuss why you believe this. It is expected that you incorporate the feedback provided by your tutor for Reflective Journal 1.


Way of making sense: Useful conceptual background is provided in the first segment of the course, society, culture, and business. Relevant information may come from chapter 1 – 3 of your text-book, additional e-readings and credible media articles.

Personal experience: This may be experiences you have had, or the experiences of people you know, when considering what you believe is ‘fair’ in society.


The third reflective entry requires you to reflect on the topic of ethics. “Consider the case of the use of micro-beads – is the manufacture of products that contain micro-beads ethical? ” Reflect on this question based on your understanding of ethics.


Way of making sense: Useful conceptual background might come from the segments of the course that explain ethics in business, chapters 4-5 of the text-book, and additional e-readings on the course website would all be useful. Doing a web search on ‘Microbeads’ and ‘Microplastics’ would also be useful.

Personal experience: This might be examples of experiences you have had, conversations you had with friends, and your environmental views, if you would like to include these.


Feedback for Reflective Journal 2 and 3 will be in the form of verbal feedback + 2 summarising dot-points on the feedback sheet. Please note that students will be required to seek out their tutor and speak with them directly should they wish to follow-up their verbal feedback during tutorials.

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