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Tuberculosis: Case Study PowerPoint Presentation

Galen College of Nursing – BIO 1350 Course Syllabus – Version 8.1 9
Case Study PowerPoint Presentation
Purpose: The purpose of the project is to serve as an artifact, showing that students have demonstrated
achieving the competency on scientific literacy. The case study assignment allows you to gather relevant
information on a particular pathology that you may encounter as a nurse. Think of this assignment as an
important addition to your portfolio of assignments in this class.
Galen College of Nursing has 6 General Education Competencies:
1. Social Competence
2. Communication
3. Information Technology
4. Critical Thinking
5. Quantitative Literacy
6. Scientific Literacy
You will need to work on this assignment weekly throughout the quarter. Your completed assignment will be
due during week 9 of the quarter. Please do not wait until the last minute to work on this assignment. It is
your responsibility to submit the completed assignment before the dropbox closes. No hard copies or emailed
copies will be accepted once the dropbox is closed.
This project requires the ability to understand and apply scientific knowledge that you acquire both inside
and outside the anatomy and physiology classroom. You will be presented a case study that is applicable to
the systems we have covered and will be assigned by your instructor. This is a pathology that you may
encounter in your nursing career.
As you progress through this course, you will acquire information in a sequential, topic-specific manner. Each
topic will include information that is relevant to this assignment. For example, the knowledge you gain from
the lesson on cell morphology will be applied to later system-specific questions. Your explanations on each
sub-topic are should include information from sources that go beyond the textbook or classroom. Examples
include peer-reviewed journal articles, interviews with clinicians who deal with these pathologies on a daily
basis, personal experiences, and other reputable sources. You are expected to clearly understand the meaning
of each topic before you construct your PowerPoint. For example, you are expected to know the meaning of
“homeostasis” and to understand the topics that are connected to it. Don’t forget to read and understand the
rubric before you start. Refer to it often – it will help guide you through the process.
1 Description of the pathology
2 Body System(s) involved
3 Normal anatomy of major body system effected
4 Normal physiology of body system effected
5 Mechanism of pathophysiology
6 Prevention
7 Treatment
8 Clinical Relevance
9 References
10 Professionally developed presentation
11 All questions within case study addressed
Galen College of Nursing – BIO 1350 Course Syllabus – Version 8.1 10
• A title slide should be included at the beginning of the presentation, and include the student’s name.
• Each slide thereafter should have a heading describing which criterion on the above list is being
addressed on that slide.
• The presentation must be a minimum of 15 PowerPoint slides in length.
• Since the purpose of this presentation is to emphasize anatomical structures and their importance in
both physiology and pathological conditions, this presentation should include many graphics. Graphics
can be borrowed from other sources (source must be cited), or created by the student. Graphics should
be applicable to the criterion which they refer to. Graphics can include but are not limited to the
following: flow charts, diagrams, tables, pictures, or brief animations.
• You are encouraged to be creative with your presentation. You will be allowed to use a variety of font
sizes and styles in your presentation.
• It is recommended that the student reviews the information about plagiarism in the Student
Handbook. Any copying of information from another source without giving proper credit through a
citation will be met with severe consequences. In line with this, however, the entire presentation
should not be directly copied from other sources. The student is expected to compose ideas in their
own words, and only use text from other sources as a minor supplement.
• A minimum of 3 APA-style references should be cited in the presentation. The citation may be included
on the slide which contains the borrowed material.
• The assignment should be submitted on or before the due date by electronic submission through the
dropbox in Canvas.

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