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Describe the interaction of sound with matter given opportunity to observe these characteristics. The lesson will involve the demonstration of the main mechanism of sound absorption, reflection, scatter, as well as refraction of sound. 

Instructional Setting:

5th grade classroom having a total of 26 students with 19 of these students at on-grade-level readers. Furthermore, 5 of the students are two grades above the level of reading and two of these five exhibit gifted exceptionalities. Also, two among all the students are learners of the English language at the intermediate level. The classroom has three whiteboards, two SmartBoards, as well as four computers.


Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s):

5th grade science content: Properties of light and the various characteristics of such properties. Sound waves are mechanical energy that require a medium and exhibits variable velocity. Sound has a huge impact associated with people’s daily lives and is a longitudinal wave. The particular three primary characteristics of sound include frequency, speed, as well as loudness. Besides, the lesson will also cover the manner in which sound interacts with matter.

Lesson Objective(s):

The students will be expected to describe the interaction of sound with matter given opportunity to observe these characteristics. The lesson will involve the demonstration of the main mechanism of sound absorption, reflection, scatter, as well as refraction of sound.


Instructional Materials:

  • Acoustic foam.
  • Room with nonporous interiors surface of concrete
  • A glass medium.
  • A video example of submarine at sea depicting how sound is scattered.


Abdullah, S. (2015). Properties of sound. Retrieved 19 August 2019, from https://www.radiologycafe.com/radiology-trainees/frcr-physics-notes/properties-of-sound

Characteristics Of A Sound Wave | Sound | Siyavula. (2018). Retrieved 19 August 2019, from https://www.siyavula.com/read/science/grade-10/sound/10-sound-03


Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each):

  1. Student Prerequisite Skills/Connections to Previous Learning:.

Before the beginning of the lesson, each student should familiarize with the various properties of sound including frequency, wavelength, velocity, as well as intensity.

  1. Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling:

Presentation Procedures for New Information: .

The lesson would be started by singing a short stanza of a song to the students before giving an explanation that the importance of sound in our lives and the lesson of that day would cover properties of sound and sound’s behavior with other matter.


One of the students would be requested to carry on with one line of the song before asking the students.

  • What are some of the reasons why sound is important?
  • What are the properties of sound?
  • How does sound behave with other matter?
  1. Guided Practice:

Using the aforementioned material, set up experiments that display the refraction, reflection, and the absorption of sound.

  1. Independent Student Practice:

The students are then given some time to ensure they record the various observations made during the activity of monitoring sound’s behavior in different matter including an acoustic foam, in a room with nonporous interiors surface of concrete as well as in a glass medium. This activity is made successful through providing the students with guiding questions including

  • What happened when sound was introduced to an empty room with nonporous interiors surface of concrete?
  • What were the outcomes in singing in a glass medium?
  1. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event:

Instructional Strategy (or Strategies):

The lesson employs the pedagogical strategy of inquiry. Notably, the lesson involve inviting the students to take part in the investigation and inquiry regarding the physics topic with the use of the opportunity of a hands-on learning. The teacher in the lesson takes the role of a facilitator.

Differentiated Instruction Accommodations:

The English language learners were assisted to catch up with the rest of the class by the use demonstrative teaching.

Use of Technology:

Part of the e-learning activity incorporated technology. The supposed facilitator used projector to display a submarine at sea, which helped in explaining how sound is scattered.
Student Assessment/Rubrics:

Summative assessment as the lesson’s aim shall have been met given opportunity to observe the sound characteristics. The lesson shall have also involved the demonstration of the main mechanism of sound absorption, reflection, scatter, as well as refraction of sound.


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