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Personal Reflection on Crisis prepare a reflection paper discussing in great detail crisis of loss of a close grandparent has experienced in life.

Personal Reflection on Crisis prepare a reflection paper discussing in great detail crisis of loss of a close grandparent has experienced in life, reflection on the following:
a. How was in handled (what did you find to be helpful and what was not helpful)?
b. What impact it had on you at the time as a child/teen/adult? Loss happened as a young teen
c. What impact does it have on you currently?
d. What have you learned from the event since then?
e. What impact might this event have on you as a crisis counselor?
f. How has this event influenced your faith and belief system? As a Christian Baptist faith
Paper will be evaluated by how well you answer each of the questions listed. The paper will be double spaced and a minimum of 4 pages (not words but pages). Please use a cover sheet with your name and the title of the project. This does not count for the pages
If you quote a reference must be APA
Bible must be used many times
3 other sources

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