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PhD student in participatory urban governance; use some recent research conducting in ETH Zurich Participatory Urban Governance department (especially with above agenda mentioned)

PhD student in Participatory Urban Governance 

Can you write a research proposal (Ph.D. level) for following description;

The newly established research team in “Spatial Development and Urban Policy” is developing a research agenda in participatory urban governance that studies citizens’ preferences of large-scale urban infrastructure projects via survey research. The realization of large urban infrastructure projects is necessary to achieve long-term planning goals, yet such projects are frequently contested by citizens and they should meet democratic principles such as citizen participation, transparency and legitimacy.

Please use some recent research conducting in ETH Zurich Participatory Urban Governance department (especially with above agenda mentioned)

And if possible, please includes some sentence sounds-like following points are involved.

  • Interest in urban governance, participation and survey research;
  • Good knowledge of quantitative methods as well as an interest in further developing methodological skills. Experience in survey research is an asset.
  • Motivation to pursue an academic career.

And if also possible, I’ve done research about debt issues, financial crisis and government policy topic for my master degree. If possible, please also add some sentence sounds like how this is related to importance of participatory urban governance.

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