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Demonstrate an understanding of, and ability to apply, the material from the modules provided. You will analyse the interactions between surfaces and light.

This assignment requires you to demonstrate an understanding of, and ability to apply, the material from the modules provided. You will analyse the interactions between surfaces and light.

For this assignment, I have provided a photo of a building with exterior lighting for you to analyse. (Sydney Town Hall, NSW, Australia)

– Copy and paste the photo at the top of the page.

– Write a brief description of the building. ( Info at https://www.sydneytownhall.com.au/ )

– Select ONE of the following interactions that are visible on the building:






Without the use of formulas, provide a scientific explanation as to how your selected interaction behaves with the surfaces, materials and/or colours or buildings’ exterior.

Decide if the interaction that you have selected enhances or hinders the perception of the building.

Using scholarly and/or credible references, argue why the structure has been enhanced and/or hindered by the interaction. DON’T just use references from the modules provided.

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