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prepare an individual report focusing on the role and nature of managers and leaders in modern healthcare organisations.demonstrate an understanding and critical appreciation of contemporary healthcare policy and leadership theories.

Outline for Assign 2 – Bed flow

Background: Recently, there has been increasing concern from the public about the role of managers and leaders within healthcare organisations such as the NHS. In addition, many managers have both clinical and management roles. In recent times there have been high-level inquiries into patient-safety failures and failing care, with these inquiries showing how important it is for patient care to be a priority at all levels of healthcare organisations. The use of information and Information Systems have often been highlighted in several inquiries.

Requirement: You will prepare an individual report focusing on the role and nature of managers and leaders in modern healthcare organisations. This report must demonstrate an understanding and critical appreciation of contemporary healthcare policy and leadership theories. You should concentrate on one specific challenge of healthcare (challenge 1, 2, or 3) in your report.

  1. You may include either an assessment of social, political and cultural factors that have the capacity to potentially undermine the delivery of equitable healthcare. Or, demonstrate your ability to draw upon contemporary leadership theories applicable to healthcare, identify how leadership theories and managerial practices can be interpreted and applied to your future practice of delivering effective and efficient healthcare services.
  2. Your report should also include an analysis of the key issues related to the use of information and Information Systems in hospital and healthcare contexts to support recommendations for the application of IS methodologies and techniques in hospital and healthcare contexts.
  3. You will also include a reflective account of your learning that highlights your personal professional development and how the unit will contribute to your capacity to organise modern healthcare services.

Topic 1.

The flow of patients through beds in a hospital reflects the same dynamics as the flow of traffic on a road’. Write an individual executive report drawing on your knowledge of health informatics, leadership and/or other MBA core topics on how problem of flow and congestion could be resolved.

Executive Summary

Summary of your report appropriate for a chief executive, including key recommendations.

  1. Say what was the topic; – 2 to 3 lines
  2. Write out the purpose of the paper – 2 to 3 lines
  3. Explain how the research was done – 2 to 3 lines
  4. Summary of your key findings/issues – one paragraph
  5. Brief recommendations from your report – one paragraph

included; leadership and operations.

Explain the benefits of  solving the problem (one paragraph)

Give the summary outline for the rest of the paper (one paragraph)

2.0 Analysis

Describe your recommendation to address the problem of healthcare delivery. Your analysis should include studies on the nature of healthcare leadership/management, and the role of clinical staff as managers and leaders. You could also discuss social, political and cultural factors that have the capacity to potentially undermine the delivery of equitable healthcare.

Your report should focus on the use of information and Information Systems in hospital and healthcare contexts, and ways in which healthcare leaders can use these resources to improve healthcare delivery.      (approx. 2600 words)

We would need to include a range of subheadings. All sections should be numbered as well.

An excellent report will have the following:

Excellent in-depth critiques of differing stakeholders’ positions, with insightful actions proposed Embraces the tensions between stability and unpredictability.  Recommendations offer new and imaginative insights.

Advantages and disadvantages of different solutions are discussed critically.

Referencing convention is flawless, adds real value to the discussion.

2.1 Background

– Explain what is bed flow management in several contexts. Any variations from different writers.

Show the correlation to traffic flow; in that an accident causes a backup (Level 1) and a stopped car causes everyone to slow down (waiting for results from radiology).

2.2 Purpose of the study  [OMIT THIS]/ rationale – review the bed flow at PoS general and compare with other hospitals where you worked, or other countries in order to gain insightful knowledge and ideas to improve the system.

2.3 Informatics

Having a proper HIS to ensure that – easy access to knowing where beds are empty; or are about to be discharged etc. Information systems that allow for efficient flow in hotels.

2.4 Clinical Leadership and administrative leadership

(Explain the difference between leaders and managers; state that both are needed)

Ways to improve leadership:

  • Sending leader/manager on site tours to see modern healthcare facilities
  • training the leader to be insightful with respect management of bed flow – showing a futuristic vision on how excellent process can be achieved – addressing future challenges by evaluating and analysing the trends – using informatics.

2.5 Social Concerns

– sometimes beds are being occupied by patients who have no where to go (elderly and children who are abandoned) the cars that are parked carelessly or left at the roadside.

2.5 Operations

-using the theory and models to show an evaluation of the process of moving patients from arrival to when they are discharged.

Process map – develop a flow chart of the entire process / compare with another process (best practices) mention how the wrecker taking a car out stops traffic for a while causing further backup.

3.0  Recommendations

  1. Recommendation Number 1: application/adoption of Information systems
  2. Recommendation Number 2: appreciation/evaluation/Analysis of social, political and cultural factors
  3. Recommendation Number 3: how to make improvements in terms of contemporary leadership theories /management practices

An excellent paper: Excellent evaluation of the balance between ethical policy, legal requirements and governance priority

Elaborates how ethical, legal and governance dimensions integrate to support progress

Contemporary leadership theories applicable to healthcare are addressed in detail with clear interpretation of future use addressed

Demonstrates excellent ability to critically apply leadership theories and health care management research applicable to healthcare organisations.

4.0 Conclusions

Provide succinct answers to the aims and objectives based on your analysis.       (approx. 350 words)

5.0 Reflection  [OMIT THIS]

6.0 References at least 30 – Harvard Style. Not older than 10 years. (Not before 2009)

A list of all sources cited

7.0 Bibliography at least 10

The sources you consulted but which you do not cite.

Word count

Please state the number of words using Word Count function at the end of your report.- this should be 3400 words

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