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Identify two barriers to delegation that might exist and suggest how you would implement processes to overcome them. 


Student Version

Task Number AT 2 Task Name Case Study and Short answer (Part B)

Section A – Assessment Information

Student Name (use full name not abbreviations or nicknames)  
Student ID  
Group Number 1.1.1P
Unit(s) of competency

(code and title)

Lead and Manage People
Duration and/or due date Due week 8. Your lecturer will advise you of the due date and hand-in procedure for this assessment.
Student Declaration and Authorization



I have read and understood Le Cordon Bleu Australia’s Academic Misconduct policy and I submit this assessment in accordance with that policy.

I hereby declare that any work prepared or submitted as part of this assessment is entirely my own and I have not copied or used the work of others or used any electronic devices or personal notes during assessment when specified by the assessor.


I authorize Le Cordon Bleu Australia to store my assessment result in its database for future analysis and regulatory requirements.

By submitting this declaration and authorization, I acknowledge it will be deemed to have the same authority as the equivalent signed hard copy.


Task instructions
There are four assessment tasks for this unit. You must be deemed satisfactory in all tasks in order to meet Competency for this unit. Students must submit their completed assessment task/s in Engage/ Turnitin on or before the due date.

Case Study:

Sally Ann is the new manager for a boutique patisserie.  Unfortunately, the existing small team has become negative and unproductive under the previous manager.  Sally Ann decided that she would observe the operation for the first few weeks, just to see the how the business operated.  The team appeared to be busy, but the production was always less than required, despite food orders for the correct number. There was often conflict within the team as sometimes work was doubled up, or even not completed, as the staff really did not know what they should be doing.

As the weeks have progressed, Sally Ann has been working longer and longer hours. She really wants to be more organized in her approach and really wants the staff to take on more duties and responsibilities, but they have shown little initiative.  She has asked the chef de partie to do the restoring for her, but it has been a complete disaster as there were shifts left unfilled and other staff working overtime or without a day off.  Sally Ann now feels that it is just easier to do the restoring herself.

Sally Ann has decided that she has seen enough and is seeking assistance from you, a Le Cordon Bleu graduate.


Part A: Follow the instructions below to form the basis of an action plan for Sally Ann to use to begin to make a positive change to work culture in the patisserie.


1.    Explain why delegation is a critical skill for a manager.

2.    Suggest two suitable and different tasks (not restoring) which the Head chef can delegate to two other staff members.

3.    Suggest how Sally Ann might identify the most appropriate employee for each task in Question 2, and how she should delegate each task.

4.    Identify two barriers to delegation that might exist and suggest how you would implement processes to overcome them.

5.    Describe one strategy that Sally Anne could put in place to support the team in order to achieve optimum performance.

Part B: Write a one-page action plan for Sally Ann, including the specific tasks that she needs to undertake to begin to change the work culture in the patisserie.

Conditions for assessment
·         This is an individual assessment task. You must not copy the work of others.

·         This is intended as a written assessment.  Please make arrangements with your assessor at least one week prior to the assessment due date if you feel you require special allowance or allowable adjustment to this assessment (e.g. verbal assessment or additional time).

·         Students are expected to conduct further research on each topic and not only use content from the Student Learning Guide

·         References must be provided at the conclusion of the assessment

·         Please write your full name on the student version of the assessment task (do not use nicknames or abbreviations)

·         You are allowed minimal support only from your assessor e.g. asking for clarification of a question

·         You must submit your work to your assessor as per your lecturer’s instructions

·         You must answer all questions correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment

·         You will be assessed as satisfactory or not satisfactory

You can appeal the assessment decision according to LCB assessment policy and procedure

Equipment/resources students must supply: Equipment/resources to be provided by the RTO or the workplace:
·         Computer

·         Internet access where required

·         Hard copies of the student version of this assessment task OR access to soft copies

·         Computer and Internet access

·         Library

Section B – Student Answer Sheet


Provide your responses in the boxes below each question
Q1: Explain why delegation is a critical skill for a manager. Satisfactory response
Yes No
Q2: Suggest two suitable and different tasks (not rostering) which the Head chef can delegate to two other staff members. Satisfactory response
Yes No




Q3: Suggest how Sally Ann might identify the most appropriate employee for each task in Question 2, and how she should delegate each task. (please list detailed steps including any necessary training, timelines, resources, documentation which may be needed) Satisfactory response
Yes No
Q4: Identify two barriers to delegation that might exist and suggest how you would implement processes to overcome them. Satisfactory response
Yes No
Q5: Describe one strategy that Sally Anne could put in place to support the team in order to achieve optimum performance. Satisfactory response
Yes No
  Part B: Write a one-page action plan for Sally Ann, including the specific tasks that she needs to undertake to begin to change the work culture in the patisserie. (500 words) Satisfactory response
Yes No


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