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Look at and describe Beavan’s paragraphing. How many paragraphs does he have per page? What’s the effect? Choose one paragraph to explore in detail (pick one that no one else has posted about). What is successful/unsuccessful about it?

Dear writer,

This assignment contains 2 parts:

  1. Journal
  2. Essay

Both of the parts are related to a novel called “No Impact Man”. I attached the novel on this order as well. You can slowly finish reading this book as the class goes.



There are 7 journals for this semester. The 1st Journal’s deadline is Sep. 22, and rest of the journals’ deadline is 2 weeks later one after each other.

Some of the journals might be related to the essay which you would need to write. Especially the last two.

Here are the requirements for each biweekly Journal:



This week we’ll be focusing on:

Brainstorming Ideas and focusing your topic

Writing What Matters – choosing a subject that is important to you

Organizing your thoughts – considering what is important and relevant to include

Planning an outline – what will your main points be?

Questions for this week:

  1. What does sustainability mean to you?
  2. What have you learned from the book so far? Are you enjoying it? If so – why? If not – why not? 3.What makes you happy?
  3. What inspires you?
  4. What do you care about? What issue/s raised by the book do you think you’d like to research further and write about? These could be (and please add your own ideas):local/national/global   Health   Foodo   Resources   Waste   Transportation   Environment/natural world   Improving your family lifeo   Improving the lives of others   Focus on a particular disaster-man made (oil spill/global warming) or natural (hurricane, earth quake)
  5. What, or who, persuades you? How are you persuaded?
  6. What, or who, turns you off? What makes you stop listening and paying attention?
  7. How will you make others listen to you?



This week we’ll be focusing on:From Outline to Essay – Expanding Your thoughts·

Creating a structure·

How to Research·

Inclusion of sources

Questions for this week:

  1. What are Beavan’s main points in the book so far (up to and including Chapter 5)
  2. What is his purpose? Is he successful?
  3. How would you describe the structure of this book? Is it effective?
  4. What are some of the techniques that Beavan uses to engage his audience, and keep his reader interested?
  5. How does Beavan incorporate his sources/facts/information?
  6. What is the one point/idea/piece of information that stands out to you the most, and why?
  7. What are the main points in your extended research paper going to be?
  8. What is your purpose?
  9. How will you structure your paper?
  10. What techniques will you use to hook your reader?
  11. What sources will you include, and why?
  12. What is the most essential point you want to convey to your reader?



The  Art of Persuasion – Narrator & Audience awareness

  • Who are you writing for?
  • Hooking your reader
  • Voice & Tone
  • Narrator

This week’s study questions are (focusing on Chapter 6):

  1. How does Beavan persuade his reader? A

re you persuaded by him?

  1. How are you persuading your reader?
  2. Beavan includes a number of episodes pertaining to his family in this chapter. Why do you think he does this, and what is the effect on the reader?
  3. Have you included any personal examples or experiences in your research essay? If so, why? What is the effect you are hoping to achieve? If not, why not?
  4. How does Beavan demonstrate audience awareness? Give examples from the text.
  5. How are you aware of your audience?
  6. Beavan asks questions throughout this chapter (e.g. P110 “How do I live without harming the environment? How shall I live?) What is the effect on the reader?
  7. Have you incorporated questions in your paper? If so, provide examples. If not, explain your reason.
  8. How would you describe the voice, tone and use of narrator in No Impact Man?
  9. How would you describe the voice, tone and use of narrator in your paper?



Drafting, editing and peer review

  • Sentence Structure
  • Paragraphing/clarity

This week’s study questions are (focusing on Chapter 7):

  1. How would you describe Beavan’s sentence structure? What is the effect on the reader?
  2. How would you describe your own sentence structure in your research paper? What are you happy with? What still needs work?
  3. Look at and describe Beavan’s paragraphing. How many paragraphs does he have per page? What’s the effect? Choose one paragraph to explore in detail (pick one that no one else has posted about). What is successful/unsuccessful about it?
  4. How can you go back and revise your own paragraphing?
  5. How long do you think this book took to write? Why is redrafting and editing such an important part of the writing process?
  6. What are the challenges you face in working on successive drafts of this research paper?
  7. Give some examples of Beavan’s use of peer review or peer input in this chapter 7.
  8. What could you get out of peer review for this paper? What could you give when reviewing your peers’ work?
  9. Is Beavan clear in his meaning? Is his writing easy to follow and understand?
  10. Are you being clear in your paper? Provide examples which show clarity, or a need for clarity.



This week we’ll be focusing on:The Bigger Picture

  • Branching out & thinking about the bigger picture
  • What’s missing?
  • What questions do you still have?
  • What questions will your reader have?This week’s study questions are (focusing on Chapter 8):
  1. What bigger picture/ideas/broader thinking has this book provided you with? How did Beavan accomplish this? Provide specific examples/explanations
  2. What bigger picture/ideas/broader thinking would you like to inspire in the readers of your extended research paper? How will you accomplish this?
  3. Is there anything missing in Beavan’s book?4.Is there anything missing in your essay?
  4. What questions do you have for Beavan? Try to think of at least three. We can compile the best, post them on his blog and see if he responds!6

.      What questions do you think readers might have about your research essay? How would you answer them?

  1. How can we place No Impact Man in a broader context/setting?
  2. How does your essay fit in a broader context?
  3. “At best like a scene from an old- fashioned situation comedy and, at worst, an ethically murky exercise in self promotion.” The New York Times on No Impact Man. Do you agree or disagree with this analysis? How would you sum up this book so far, in one sentence?
  4. Imagine you are a New York Times reporter reviewing your essay. How would you sum up this research paper in one sentence?



This week we’ll be focusing on:The Finishing Touches

  • How to conclude
  • Have you given 100 %?
  • Read, edit, and read again

This week’s study questions are (focusing on Chapter 9):

  1. “If we use it all up, there won’t be any left…” P193 What conclusions does Beavan make in this last chapter?
  2. How does this concluding chapter make you feel?
  3. Are you inspired to act?
  4. How will you conclude your own research paper? How do you want your reader to feel, and why? Do you want to inspire action/change in your reader? If so, how will you achieve this?
  5. Do you feel that you have given 100 % to your work? If so, give examples. If not – explain why- and how you plan to correct this in the future.
  6. “Waste less life.” (P210) What is your understanding of this question, and how does it apply to you?



This week we’ll be focusing on:Review & Reflect

  • What Have You Learned?
  • What Have you accomplished?

This week’s study questions are (focusing on the Epilogue):

  1. What was the hardest part of this course?2.What aspects of writing and research did you develop /improve on the most?
  2. “If I want to change the world, I have to change myself.” (P216)How did reading this book, writing your paper, and participating in this class change you?
  3. What parts of this learning will you use in the future? Give specific examples
  4. “We need to be expansive and aspirational.” (p218) How does this apply to you?6.What is your proudest accomplishment in this course this semester?
  5. Is there anything you wish you had done differently or better?
  6. How would you change/improve this course for future students?



The essay would also be related to the novel mentioned above. Essay contains 4 parts:

  1. Title
  2. 4-page Outline
  3. Expand the 4 page outline to 8 page essay, following the feedback from the professor
  4. Expand the 8 page essay to 12 page essay, following the feedback from the professor


  1. Title

The title of essay must be decided by August 31st. The professor would make a decision about whether this title works or not. If not, then we have to pick a new title. So I don’t suggest you to start rest of the work before receiving the feedback.


  1. 4-page Outline:

Engl 1202 The Extended Research Paper Part I – 4-page Outline

Worth 100 points or 10 % of your overall grade

I want you to choose a topic for your extended research paper that interests and engages you. While it must be connected in some way to the issues raised in our course text, No Impact Man, you have a broad scope of choice for the subject matter and title. I encourage you to select a topic that you feel comfortable with, but that will also challenge you. You are welcome to approach your peers or me for input and advice. Start with a question. For example, Colin’s question was, can I live for a year in NYC without creating an environmental impact?

The purpose of the outline is for you to start thinking seriously about how you will shape your essay. What form do you want it to take? Will it be a formal research paper, or something more creative, like an interview or a report?

What information do you want to include? What is relevant and why?

How will you persuade your reader?


Whatever you decide, Your Outline must include:


  1. A title that is clear, interesting and engaging


  1. An Introduction that identifies your central idea, focuses your essay, and selects key points, with
  • An original, interesting opening sentence which explains your topic and why it is important
  • A thesis statement that sets out your position

Definition – What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement appears in the introduction of your essay. It asserts your central idea or argument, is focused and specific, and informs the reader of the purpose, scope and direction of your essay. An effective thesis statement requires supporting evidence, acknowledges possible counter-arguments, and must interest and engage your reader!

  • Three to Four Main Points


  1. For each of your main points, a paragraph or series of bullet points explaining:
  • What your main point is and why it is relevant
  • 3-4 examples with supporting evidence
  • The sources you are using and why
  • The wider research you have already conducted
  • Wider questions for yourself – what do you still need to work on?
  • Wider questions for your reader
  • Explanation of how you will develop and expand on your main point


  1. A Conclusion that includes
  • Thoughtful and structured conclusion of your topic
  • Answers questions and ties up loose ends
  • Evidence of expanded thinking – you place your topic in context, but ask pertinent questions of your reader that shows you understand the bigger picture


  1. Bibliography/ Sources Cited
  • At least 5 sources that you plan to use – sources must include one of each of the following:
  • Book
  • Newspaper/magazine article
  • Internet site (NOT WIKIPEDIA OR GOOGLE)
  • Court or legal document or scholarly journal
  • Video/film/documentary/radio report


  1. The next step
  • What work do you still need to do?
  • What else do you want to include?
  • What other material is essential?
  • What else do you need to research?


  1. Expand the 4 page outline to 8 page essay, following the feedback from the professor:

I don’t suggest you to start rest of the work before receiving the feedback.

Engl 1202 The Extended Research Paper Part II – Second Draft 8 pages

worth 200 points or 20 % of your overall grade

I recommend you also read Ana’s Top Twenty Tips for Essay Success!

The purpose of this assignment is to assess your ability to successfully research, analyze primary and secondary sources, use rhetorical strategies for argument and persuasion, and integrate these sources into a longer academic paper utilizing MLA documentation format.

The assessment is a written assignment of 8 pages on a subject connected to Colin Beavan’s book No Impact Man. However, as I want you to write about a topic that interests and inspires you, your options are broad. You can write about an issue on a local, national or global scale. You can write about any of the issues discussed in the book or through our discussion board forum, or ideas that occur from outside reading, civic engagement, or your personal aspirations/motivations.

You will take a stand on this issue and use research (books, periodicals, library databases, the worldwide web), facts, resources, class discussions and community links to construct an extended research paper.

I strongly encourage you to select a topic that you feel comfortable with, but that will also challenge you. You are welcome to approach your peers or me for input and advice.

You will have submitted a 4-page outline and received feedback before you start working on this paper– you will use this outline, and the feedback you’ve received, as the basis of this assignment.

This second draft must be organized and structured with:

  1. A title that is original, clear, interesting and engaging
  2. an introduction that sets out your topic, includes an effective thesis statement, and contains three to four key points that you will develop
  3. a main body where each of the three-four key points is explored in more detail, with three – four examples for each point relating to class work and discussions, your own experiences, beliefs and reading outside class, and other sources such as books, magazine and newspaper articles, the internet
  4. a conclusion that shows understanding of your subject and raises some wider questions/thinking
  5. A bibliography
  6. includes supporting evidence and examples throughout
  7. demonstrates understanding and analysis of the topic and its wider context
  8. demonstrates audience awareness
  9. evidences control over narrator
  10. evidences correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, sentence structure and paragraphing throughout



You should include the following:

  • Relevant concepts presented in class, in our course text, as well as your own views and ideas
  • Your understanding of the subject
  • Include examples from class handouts, books, magazines, newspapers, the internet, video documentaries, radio interviews, scholarly journals, etc 10 sources minimum.
  • Anything else you feel is relevant and interesting, and will make your work stand out as thoughtful, well planned and well researched and demonstrate evidence of broader thinking
  • A bibliography detailing your sources


Here are some points to consider when deciding your topic and shaping your essay:

  1. Who, what, why, when, where? In your introduction, establish credibility and state your central idea. State your position clearly and concisely at the beginning of your piece. Establish your credibility with your reader by showing your knowledge. Why is the issue important and relevant to people other than you?
  2. Examine the issue’s social, moral and intellectual contexts. You are expected to have conducted 6 weeks of research into the issue before you start writing and constructing your essay so that you are not ill-informed or unprepared.
  3. Consider your audience. Some might not agree with you. How will you persuade them?
  4. Back up all your points with examples. Your essay will be much stronger if you can give specific examples and/or evidence to illustrate your points
  5. Using facts and statistics. You might include facts, figures and statistics to reinforce your views. Make sure you state where these come from.
  6. Using examples. You can use specific examples to strengthen your research paper. Again, remember to cite your sources, or state where your examples are coming from.
  7. Citing expert opinion. You can quote or paraphrase experts to back up your points. But you may need to provide credentials to show why your source is worth listening to!
  8. Anticipate objections and counter arguments. Consider the other side of the debate. Try and counter the opposing arguments.

Presentation of Assignments – follow guidelines in syllabus

ENGL 1202 Rubric for Extended Research Paper – 200 points or 20% of your overall grade

Area Assessed 20 points each Proficient Adequate Developing
1.Title and Thesis Statement are original, clear, engaging and effective – set out topic/issue and student establishes credibility      
2. Introduction is clear, logical, effective, student states position clearly and sets out 3-4 main points      
3. Main Body 1 -3-4 examples. Smooth transitions Facts, details, history, research, examples      
4. Main Body 2 3 -4 examples. Smooth transitions Facts, details, history, research, examples      
5. Main Body 3  3 -4 examples. Smooth transitions Facts, details, history, research, examples      
6. Sources – sources are properly cited throughout essay and in bibliography. Student has used at least 10 different sources      
7. Audience & narrator student has considered audience throughout. Student has control over narrator throughout. Writing is clear, logical and fluid      
8. Conclusion student concludes successfully, raises broader questions, evidences critical thinking and understanding of issue, as well as broader context      
9. Balanced and fair Student anticipates and answers counter arguments – has considered all sides of the debate to form opinion      
10. Presentation, length and structure Assignment is properly presented, is of the correct length, is clear, logical and original, and evidences correct grammar, punctuation and spelling, sentence structure and paragraphing throughout      


  1. Expand the 8 page essay to 12 page essay, following the feedback from the professor

. I don’t suggest you to start rest of the work before receiving the feedback.


Engl 1202 Course Assignment – The Extended Research Paper Final Version


This written assignment is worth 300 points or 30 % of your overall grade


I recommend you also read Ana’s Top Twenty Tips for Essay Success!

The purpose of this assignment is to assess your ability to successfully research, analyze primary and secondary sources, use rhetorical strategies for argument and persuasion, and integrate these sources into a longer academic paper utilizing MLA documentation format.


The assessment is a written assignment of 12 pages on a subject connected to Colin Beavan’s book No Impact Man. However, as I want you to write about a topic that interests and inspires you, your options are broad. You can write about an issue on a local, national or global scale. You can write about any of the issues discussed in the book or through our discussion board forum, or ideas that occur from outside reading, civic engagement, or your personal aspirations/motivations.


You will take a stand on this issue and use research (books, periodicals, library databases, the worldwide web), facts, resources, class discussions and community links to construct an extended research paper.


I strongly encourage you to select a topic that you feel comfortable with, but that will also challenge you. You are welcome to approach your peers or me for input and advice.


You will have submitted a 4-page outline and an 8-page draft essay and received feedback before you start working on your final paper– you will use these drafts, and the feedback you’ve received, as the basis of your final assignment.


The essay must be organized and structured with:

  1. A title that is original, clear, interesting and engaging
  2. an introduction that sets out your topic, includes an effective thesis statement, and contains three to four key points that you will develop
  3. a main body where each of the three-four key points is explored in more detail, with three – four examples for each point relating to class work and discussions, your own experiences, beliefs and reading outside class, and other sources such as books, magazine and newspaper articles, the internet
  4. a conclusion that shows understanding of your subject and raises some wider questions/thinking
  5. A bibliography
  6. includes supporting evidence and examples throughout
  7. demonstrates understanding and analysis of the topic and its wider context
  8. demonstrates audiences awareness
  9. evidences control over narrator
  10. evidences correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, sentence structure and paragraphing throughout

You should include the following:

  • Relevant concepts presented in class, in our course text, as well as your own views and ideas
  • Your understanding of the subject
  • Include examples from class handouts, books, magazines, newspapers, the internet, video documentaries, radio interviews, scholarly journals, etc 10 sources minimum.
  • Anything else you feel is relevant and interesting, and will make your work stand out as thoughtful, well planned and well researched and demonstrate evidence of broader thinking
  • A bibliography detailing your sources


Here are some points to consider when deciding your topic and shaping your essay:

  1. Who, what, why, when, where? In your introduction, establish credibility and state your central idea. State your position clearly and concisely at the beginning of your piece. Establish your credibility with your reader by showing your knowledge. Why is the issue important and relevant to people other than you?
  2. Examine the issue’s social, moral and intellectual contexts. You are expected to have conducted 6 weeks of research into the issue before you start writing and constructing your essay so that you are not ill-informed or unprepared.
  3. Consider your audience. Some might not agree with you. How will you persuade them?
  4. Back up all your points with examples. Your essay will be much stronger if you can give specific examples and/or evidence to illustrate your points
  5. Using facts and statistics. You might include facts, figures and statistics to reinforce your views. Make sure you state where these come from.
  6. Using examples. You can use specific examples to strengthen your research paper. Again, remember to cite your sources, or state where your examples are coming from.
  7. Citing expert opinion. You can quote or paraphrase experts to back up your points. But you may need to provide credentials to show why your source is worth listening to!
  8. Anticipate objections and counter arguments. Consider the other side of the debate. Try and counter the opposing arguments.



Presentation of Assignments – follow guidelines in syllabus

ENGL 1202 Rubric for Extended Research Paper – 300 points or 30% of your overall grade

Area Assessed 30 points each Proficient Adequate Developing
1.Title and Thesis Statement are original, clear, engaging and effective – set out topic/issue and student establishes credibility      
2. Introduction is clear, logical, effective, student states position clearly and sets out 3-4 main points      
3. Main Body 1 -3 -4 examples. Smooth transitions Facts, details, history, research, examples      
4. Main Body 2 3 -4 examples. Smooth transitions Facts, details, history, research, examples      
5. Main Body 3  3 -4 examples. Smooth transitions Facts, details, history, research, examples      
6. Sources – sources are properly cited throughout essay and in bibliography. Student has used at least 10 different sources      
7. Audience & narrator student has considered audience throughout. Student has control over narrator throughout. Writing is clear, logical and fluid      
8. Conclusion student concludes successfully, raises broader questions, evidences critical thinking and understanding of issue, as well as broader context      
9. Balanced and fair Student anticipates and answers counter arguments – has considered all sides of the debate to form opinion      
10. Presentation, length and structure Assignment is properly presented, is of the correct length, is clear, logical and original, and evidences correct grammar, punctuation and spelling, sentence structure and paragraphing throughout      


Ana’s Top Twenty Tips for Essay Success

Please use this checklist before submitting your work.

  1. Is the narrator consistent throughout?
  2. Is the tense consistent throughout?
  3. Have you provided supporting evidence/examples throughout?
  4. Have you used direct quotes, and explained who/where they are coming from?
  5. Have you thoroughly checked:
  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation?
  1. Have you included:
  • Title
  • Your name
  • Page numbers
  • A word count
  • Course designation
  • Instructor name?
  1. Is your essay structure clear, logical and easy to follow?
  2. Have you paragraphed properly throughout? New idea=new paragraph
  3. Have you checked your sentence structure, and made sure there are no fragments or run-ons? That all your sentences are clear, concise, and easy to understand?
  4. Have you thought about your reader? Will they understand your points?
  5. Have you been definite in asserting your opinion? No likes, maybes or seems
  6. Have you made sure there is no repetition of words, phrases or ideas in your paper?
  7. Have you used formal language throughout that is appropriate for a college level paper?
  8. Have you read your paper through at least three times?
  9. Have you read your paper out loud?
  10. Have you had your paper peer reviewed, or submitted it to Tutor.com for feedback?
  11. Have you edited your paper and connected your mistakes?
  12. Have you spent at least 20-30 hours writing this paper, not including research time? If the answer is no, this is not an A paper.
  13. Have you spent at least 20 hours revising and editing this paper? If the answer is no, then this is not an A paper.
  14. Are you proud of this paper? Have you given your best effort?
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