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Conduct a search on the topic of your paper and summarize works of others similar to what you are writing on.

A paper on a macroeconomic topic is required for this course. Your paper should be at least 10 pages ( double-spaced) not counting the title page and the reference page. The course paper (or written assignment) is worth 15% of your course grade.
Introduction and objective. Make sure the objective is specific.
Literature Review. Conduct a search on the topic of your paper and summarize works of others similar to what you are writing on. Be sure to follow APA guidelines. The following link contains basics of APA style guidelines:
Analysis: Analyze your topic with reference to the objective.
Summary and conclusion.
References. Provide at least five references, at least two of which must be scholarly books and /or journals.
You are welcome to send your topic and the objective of your paper to your instructor by the end of the first week so that she/he may provide additional guidance.

Refereed papers are academic papers that were criticized and reviewed by experts before being published. More information can be found in http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/academic/sources/journals/index.htmlhttp://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/~agraham/guides/guidec.shtml.
To find the academic articles that you need for your paper (at least one), go to the following full text databases in our library: Business Source Premier (EBSCO), Emerald Management Xtra, LexisNexis Academic, ProQuest Databases and Pro Quest Dissertations and Thesis. These databases are in http://library.nu.edu/FindResources/ResourceFinder.cfm. Databases have different sources or information, and you always have to combine them. Economists would say that databases are complements rather than substitutes, in other words, try more than one database.
Short papers are nice pieces of art. Your paper will be evaluated not in terms of right/wrong but on rational coherence and quality of the argument.
Written Assignment Grading Standards

Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling
APA style for citations and no sign of plagiarism

Clarity of introduction, conclusion and strong connection between introduction and conclusion

Economic analysis using economic principles

Empirical evidence that supports economic analysis

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