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Formulate a research question using the PICO approach Developing an understanding of the literature review process. Develop skills and for searching the nursing and medical data bases for relevant literature.

Module 1 Literature Review Part A
Site: FedUni Moodle Course: NURBN 3022 SEM2 2019: Context of Pracce 7: Application of Research in Clinical Sengs Combined 001 Book: Module 1 Literature Review Part A Printed by:Bhupendrakumar Patel Date: Wednesday, 28 August 2019, 7:15 PM Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Research Question 3. Key search terms 4. Quality of the literature 5. Where to from here 1. Introduction Introduction This workbook was designed to introduce the process of conducing a literature review using key search terms and how to keep track of the literature as you prepare to write a literature review of a topic of your choice. Objectives
At the completion of this workbook together with further reading and practice you will expected to have achieved the following learning objectives: Formulate a research question using the PICO approach Developing an understanding of the literature review process. Develop skills and for searching the nursing and medical data bases for relevant literature.

Time allocation
This workbook will take you approximately 2 hours to complete. Both Flexible and Standard students are expected to complete this workbook.
2. Research Question Introduction In quantative research many researchers frame the research question using a PICO approach (Herbert et al 2005) however I find that this technique can be applied to both quantave and qualitative research studies and is oen a great place to start with formula what it is your interested in studying.
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PICO stands for the following terms P – population (being studied) I – Intervention C – Comparison intervention O – Outcome (or outcome measures) For some of you this technique will be familiar you may have covered this in your first year research course, that’s great for others it may be all new and a like confusing.
If this term is new go to the PICO acvity workbook before going any further into this workbook.
If however you are familiar with this research technique please continue on into the workbook. We will briefly cover this technique in tuts and flexible students will need to do the PICO workbook in order to formulate your research question. 3. Key search terms Introduction Its now me to use that PICO research question to write down your key search terms. Lets use an example to help demonstrate the process that is required to conduct a literature review. The research question is “Do nurses routinely wash their hands in-between parents using universal precautions” P – Nurses I – Hand washing C – in-between parents O – Universal precautions Data bases There are a number of data bases in which to search for relevant literature, its important to choose the data base which will yield the most literature hits. Please note that Google Scholar is a search engine not a data base. Google scholar is a very useful tool and especially when its difficult to get the papers off a data base oen you can find a copy of the paper you are looking for on Google scholar. However you need to use an official data base for this assessment task. The two most popular and useful databases for nursing / medical literature is MEDLINE and CINHAL. When going to the library website you will note that both data bases have the same template with the tle of the data base at the top
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Please note than when choosing the data base it will appear as MEDLINE (EBSCO) and CINHAL Complete, there are other opons but use these tles to find the right data base. Key search terms Lets consider our research question, and the terms that are within the PICO statement. hand washing / Universal precautions / In-between parents / nurses The first task is to work on these terms and think of all the possible ways that it might appear in the literature. For example Nurses – Nurse / Nursing / health professionals, Hand washing / hand hygiene / hand sanitizer To ensure you cover all forms of nurse you can enter the following abbreviation Nurse* and it will bring up all forms of the word in your search.
Using the search terms that you have written for you topic conduct a search of the literature on one data base. Its essential that throughout this process you document the procedure. You will need to write down exactly what you have done from the terms to entering them into the data base then how many hits you got. Consider it like a recipe which anyone should be able to replicate. Later you will transform this recipe into a flow chart to represent the search process. Before you do the there are just a couple of other things to consider: All articles written in English only Year of publication (work within a 5 year span 10 if you don’t get many papers) Full publications Research conducted on humans only
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Search 1 – MEDICINE Note – for each term cked the key term as the major concept. Term – hand hygiene – 566 hits Term – Universal precautions – 631 hits Term – Nursing – 24,477 hits Term – paent care – 4,671 Combined terms hand hygiene / universal precautions / nursing / parent care (Search And) = no results Combined terms hand hygiene / universal precautions / nursing / parent care (Search Or) = 4,671 Combined hand hygiene / universal precautions = 1049 hits Geng there you want to get your search down to under 100 hits before you will review the papers Combined terms hand hygiene and universal precautions AND nursing = 248 hits
Considering that this is a very common topic this may be as far down as I can get it before having to troll through the papers to check if they are included into the next phase of the search.
Use the same terms that I have used in the example above and see if you get the same number of hits.

4. Quality of the literature Scan the literature Now that you have searched the data base using your key search terms and have as close to 100 papers as possible you will need to troll through the papers by title to exclude all those that may not be relevant to your research question. Its important to consider the papers in terms of QUALITY. Not all papers are made equal, there a a variety of types of literature out there in the data bases. The type and amount of literature that you will review is dependent upon the type of literature review you are conduction. A systematic review of the literature has reviewed ALL literature related to the topic of interest. When I say ALL I mean ALL, including reports, articles, editorials and commentaries as well as original research. This type of literature is oen referred to as the grey literature. For the purpose of this exercise and hence your assignment I would like you to only review original research papers. Hence when you document your review process you will need to note the type of literature reviewed. For example you might read a research paper that states that they reviewed only the quantitative research papers in its literature review. They will need to provide a jusficaon for that decision, oen its because there was so much research on that topic that they could be selective down to the methodology or that it was quantitative papers that best mirrored their proposed research project.
Working through the literature you will now exclude papers that in the tle alone have nothing to do with your research question.
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Citations Note the importance of a tle. Researchers will spend a long me deciding on a title, for it is through the tle that people can find their paper. For example if your title is fancy and creative but doesn’t really state what the paper is about then it may not get as many hits in literature searches. The number of hits a paper gets is important in the authors ranking, the more hits the more likely they are at having their papers cited in someone else’s work hence the authors citation ranking goes up. Remember to print off or save your literature search so that you can pick up your search where you le off each me you go on line.

5. Where to from here Literature review process At this stage you should have done the following steps in the literature review process: Developed a research question using the PICO technique Pracced using the data base, searching for terms relate to hand washing in-between parents using universal precautions Developed a list of search terms from your research topic / research question Conducted and documented your literature review search in either MEDLINE or CINHAL. Now have a manageable numbers of papers to move to the next stage of the literature review process. if you have done all of these things its now me to move to the next module.

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