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Determining Client Needs: Is the reference interview just good customer service or is it something different? What are the key qualities of a successful reference interview?

Week 02 Discussion 01: Information-Seeking Behavior

552 W2 Determining Client Needs

Due: Post your response by end of Day, and reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts by end of Day. Writer, After I submit the discussion post, then I have access to the classmates’ posts that I can forward to you to response (usually just 4-5 sentences). If the classmates post early, I may be able to forward to you earlier as well.
Value: 1 point
Grading Category: Discussions, 15%

Find at least one recent (since 2010) scholarly article on the information-seeking behavior of a specific group (e.g., consumers, patients, doctors, professors, lawyers, managers, businesses, rural populations, adolescents, college students, young adults/millennials, baby boomers, older adults, etc.). Discuss the implications of the article findings for reference and information providers. (Writer, let’s try lawyer for this info seeking behavior assignment)
For your population:
• Is the reference interview just good customer service or is it something different?
• What are the key qualities of a successful reference interview?
• What are the implications of the population’s information-seeking behaviors for libraries or information centers providing service to them?
Post a two to three paragraph response by Day 5 and respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. I am especially looking for well-written, succinct and thoughtful posts that incorporate themes from course readings, the RUSA Guidelines, your Project 1 findings (if applicable) and your own experiences and research. Use APA citation guidelines.

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