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Research Bix Beiderbecke’s life and prepare a brief biography. How do others describe the playing of these two jazz greats?

The success of Paul Whiteman’s band was due in no small part to his ability to hire top-notch musicians for his ensemble. One of the musicians Whiteman relied upon was the brilliant but troubled trumpeter, Bix Beiderbecke (Links to an external site.). Beiderbecke and Louis Armstrong were undoubtedly the greatest jazz trumpeters of their era and both stood out for their remarkable artistry. Although both these jazz greats had great respect for one another and were friends, they had very different approaches to their art.

Research Bix Beiderbecke’s life and prepare a brief biography. How do others describe the playing of these two jazz greats? Compare two recordings: “I’m Coming Virginia” by Bix Beiderbecke (Links to an external site.) and “Potato Head Blues” by Louis Armstrong and the Hot Five (Links to an external site.). What are the important similarities and differences in these recordings? Try picking out the trumpet timbre (uniqueness of sound) in each recording. How would you describe their respective timbres? Also, compare Beiderbecke’s and Armstrong’s approaches to ensemble playing. Which trumpeter stands out more as a soloist and which one blends in more with the ensemble? In what ways do these two men epitomize the archetype of the “cool” musician and the “hot” musician?

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