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Summarize the questionnaires and provide findings in the appendix of How Uber operates in Ukraine.

This is an extended essay for my final year where I have to chose a research question and then conduct research on a certain topic. I have chosen the gig economy, specifically how Uber affects the economy in my home city of Kiev Ukraine. In the paper I have to talk about primary methods that I have used however I did not actually conduct any research because I could not conduct it in Ukraine. However, the paper still needs to include a description of how the research was conducted. As for secondary research I have listed some sources that I was meant to use so if you could add them into the bibliography.

Introduce the concept of the gig economy
State the experiment (to see how the gig economy truly works check the effects of Uber in the capital city of Kiev Ukraine on both big enterprises as well as individuals.
judge how Uber as well as other companies that are part of the gig economy culture affect the labour markets

Identify research methods and describe the ways in which research will be collected
Interview with large firm that uses Uber as main way of transport
Interview individuals who use Uber and why they chose it over using a taxi or private car hire
Using secondary research to find information about the rest of the world
books: WWSSWS and Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber (Mike Isaac) (only parts are relevant)
articles: – The Economist “Worries about the rise of he gig economy are mostly overblown”
The Economist “How governments should deal wit the rise of the gig economy”
The Ecvonomist “ Self employed or employee? How Britain wrestles the gig economy”
“Workers on tap”
FT “Uber and L’yfts valuations explode the gig economy”
FT “The Uber game”
Jstor “Working more for Less”

Describe findings of both primary and secondary research.
Summarize the questionnaires and provide findings in the appendix of How Uber operates in Ukraine.
Thus show how the gig economy is affecting both developed economies as well as developing economies and whether it helps the economies development or creates inequalities and problems in the labour market and possibly other markets.
Include information about other companies like Uber: airbnb, deliver etc.

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