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Describe how you would evaluate the success of the plan. How do you know the project is successful?

This is a presentation for an 5 start hospitality company that provides serviced apartments. I need to create an improvement project outline for a current situation/problem/ improvement area. I want to focus on giving ideas to improve the security of the facilities, staff and guests. The company already has the regular security security measures (like CCTV, patrols, card entry, etc) so it needs to be something innovative. One of my ideas is to get a security director to perform a risk analysis.

Paper Instructions:

Improvement project outline
Current situation/problem/ improvement area
• Describe the background to the problem/situation/ area that you have chosen to improve/look at

• Describe what research you have done into the problem/situation/issue

Suggestions for improvement
• Describe what options there are for improvement (minimum of 2)
• Pros and cons of these different options

My recommendation/s
• Describe the option that you recommend

Business benefits
• Describe what are the benefits to the business/customer/process of
implementing this solution

Implementation plan
• Describe how you would implement your plan

• Describe the costs involved implementing your solution

• Describe how you would evaluate the success of the plan. How do you know the project is successful?

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