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In your own words, explain the basic content of the two speeches. You should try to summarize very concisely the theory of love in each of the two speeches. In your summary, you should compare the two speeches.

(1) Read the Symposium carefully

(2) Pick two of the speeches that you found interesting and use them to respond to the following prompt:

(a) In your own words, explain the basic content of the two speeches. You should try to summarize very concisely the theory of love in each of the two speeches. In your summary, you should compare the two speeches.

(b) Once you’ve summarized the two speeches, develop your own analysis by responding to the following questions:

(i) How would you define love? Is romantic love natural or is it something created by culture? How have modern technologies, such as Facebook and online dating, transformed romantic love? Have they destroyed love, or made it more accesible to people? Is love something that can be planned for, or does it always happen spontaneously, by chance? Use the the concepts developed in the two speeches to answer these questions, and then include your own thoughts about it. Use the speeches as a starting point, and then include your own thoughts about love.

(3) In one short paragraph, summarize what you wrote about and list at least 3 conclusions


Should be 3-4 pages
Double spaced
Times New Roman
12 point font
Follow all word-length requirements (listed in each section)
Please try to engage with the text in your paper

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