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In your response posts to your peers, make a comparison between economic events of the decade they chose and a current economic event. Respond to each post with one paragraph.

In your response posts to your peers, make a comparison between economic events of the decade they chose and a current economic event. Respond to each post with one paragraph.


“I have chosen the first ten years of the 21st century, 2000-2010. This decade is where I transition to an adult, went to college, got married, had children, and Y2K hit. The significant economic events that took place during this time frame was the housing meltdown, social media was born, economic recessions, a major terrorist attack, and the stock market crashed. If that was not lousy enough, unemployment rose to 10%, and the domino effect of household net worth was down.

I look forward to engaging with your decades.”


“The 10- year period I would  like to look at is 2001-2011.  Over these ten years I became over aware of everything around me as i graduated from high school and started college away from home.

Over this decade so many things happen starting the 9/11, but also we saw the ten year anniversary of that horrible day. 2002: The DC area had a sniper attack. 2003 the Iran war began. 2005 was Hurricane Katrina, which here in Texas we received a lot of those effected. 2007 Virginia Tech shooting. 2008 the worldwide financial crisis was in full effect. Then 2011 Arizona mass shooting. So much tragedy to this country, I very interested to dive in and see what I was no young to truly understand.


Steenholm, S; (Feb 5, 2012); Huffpost; 2001-2011: The Decade of Great Change and Tragedy; Retreived by: huffpost.com/entry/20012011-the-decade-of-gr_b_1131422”

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