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Describe the rationale for the experimental articles you choose. Describe the methods that are used to investigate this topic. Describe the results of the experiment.

Describe the basic topic (background) and how it relates to the topics covered in class. Describe the rationale for the experimental articles you choose. Describe the methods that are used to investigate this topic. Describe the results of the experiment. Conclusions and/or future work

I expect the paper will be about 5 pages in length (not counting a title page and reference page). You should not make direct quotations from your articles. Please paraphrase into your own words.

The references you use should be cited in APA style.
FOR EXAMPLE REFERENCE: Allen, M.T., Gluck, M.A., & Myers (2001) Parallel neural systems for stimulus selection in classical conditioning: support from computational modeling. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science. 36(1), 36-61.
In the text of the paper you can write: Allen, Gluck & Myers (2001) found that there are parallel neural systems. OR Evidence has been presented for parallel neural systems (Allen, Gluck, & Myers, 2001).

I will upload 4 articles I would like you to use please. If you find anything else related to this topic I will be ok with it as long as you use my 4 articles/references first. Make sure you use the two articles that did studies and have methods/results (urea cycle disorders brain MRI neurological outcome and Biochemical markers and neuropsychological function etc.) The other two articles are additional info and should also be used. Thank you!

PLEASE let me know if you did not get all 4 articles. thank you

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