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Critically discuss the extent to which theoretical perspectives on leadership, management and change, inform the implementation of an evidence-based recommendation.

Recommendation – Elimination of an environment that is punitive to healthcare professionals speaking-up for patient safety
Critically discuss the extent to which theoretical perspectives on leadership, management and change, inform the implementation of an evidence-based recommendation.

Introduction – one recommendation from Part A
Main body – how theory relates to implementation of your chosen recommendation
Conclusion – offer review / summary of overall discussion within main body
• Leadership
• Change
• Culture
• Management
• Teams / teamwork
• NHS / Professional considerations
What we don’t want to read…..
• A description of what leadership is….
• A description of what management is…..
• A description of what change management involves…..
• A description of how teams work…….
What we do want to read
• How your chosen recommendation relates / fits with the theory
• The recommendation linked all the way through the writing
• Evidence of critical analysis and discussion – why does this particular theory work well here? What wouldn’t work and why? Is your chosen theory approach always the best or most suitable, why – or why not even?
• A well supported discussion which utilises appropriate evidence sources, NOT JUST BOOKS

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