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Provide some information on the proposed analytical approach for the collected qualitative data.

I am currently writing my dissertation on the topic of “In-game Advertising”. Here is the full description of the topic “Over 33 million people in the Uk play video games. In-game advertising which is the inclusion of products or brands in games is growing fast and advertisers have the option of advertising on the internet, mobile and games consoles. However, the rising intolerance towards adverts, leads to questions about the players’ attitude towards in game advertising. The aim of this study is to investigate consumer perception of in-game advertising and identify key factors that affect engagement with the latter”.

In my dissertation proposal, I have decided to choose qualitative research as my main approach. I want to conduct a series of questions that can assist me to interview people on the topic of “In-game Advertising”. My goals of my dissertation are as followed:
– To examine the effectiveness of in-game advertising compared to traditional advertising methods.
– To determine how in-game advertising is shaping consumer’s perception/attitude.
– To identify possible factors of in-game advertising which affect the consumer’s purchasing decisions.

Additionally, I also need to provide some information on the proposed analytical approach for the collected qualitative data. Please include books about qualitative approaches and justify why I have chosen the topic.

I am planning to do face-to-face interviews with 16 participants from both genders, aged 18 to 34. The questions should be related to the topic and allow me to understand their perceptions on in-game advertisements.

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