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What role do moral and conventional norms have in business decisions? What can go wrong if instrumental decisions are presented as moral decisions?

The prompt is: The expectation of business to respond to social norms has been raised in our consciousness recently. From Phil Robertson in Duck Dynasty to Roseanne Barr, from kneeling during the national anthem to the #MeToo movement, business leaders are expected to act on moral judgments. What role do moral and conventional norms have in business decisions? What can go wrong if instrumental decisions are presented as moral decisions? Should businesses even make moral judgments? How does moral development influence these decisions? In what way does tribalism effect these decisions?

Please do not include the header in the 500 word minimum. Be sure to specifically refer to assigned materials to support and elucidate your answer.

**Include key words from the Key Terms and Concepts document. —
*descriptive vs normative claims
*instrumental norms intrinsic/moral norms conventional norms
*moral judgment
*in-group vs out-group / tribalism moral bubble
*social conformity
*Kohlberg’s Moral Development Model Pre-Conventional Level
*Stage 1Punishment and obedience
*Stage 2 Instrumental exchange Conventional Stages
*Stage 3 Interpersonal conformity
*Stage 4 Law and order Post-Conventional Stages
*Stage 5 Prior rights and social contract
*Stage 6 Universal moral principles

tips from my professor: It is not enough to simply assert your moral beliefs; you must give reasons in support of your answerI also attached the “essay checklist” if that is helpful.

you must use some of the provide document/videos (whatever you find interesting) and something from elsewhere.

The document are attached here are the videos that come from the assigned material also:


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