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In 100 words or less, what is the relation between the clearing Mudede (page 2 of the anamorphosis notes pdf) speaks of and anamorphosis?

Step 1. hen, in less than 100 words, how would you compare Kim’s description of anamorphsosis and Zizek’s analysis of fantasy as well as his commitment to the method of looking awry?

Step 2
In a 100 words or less, what is the relation between Trigg’s attention to “ruin(s),” Kim’s claim that reality is an illusion, and Zizek’s critical attention to the human subject’s loss of reality, its inability to differentiate inside and outside, and its inability to maintain the difference between reality and fantasy?

Step 3
Click to view https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/renaissance-reformation/northern/holbein/v/hans-holbein-the-younger-the-ambassadors-1533 (Links to an external site.)
. In 50 words or less, what does anamorphsosis do in this particular painting? What’s its function?
Step 4
Click https://vvc.instructure.com/courses/1024/external_tools/retrieve?display=borderless&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgoogle-drive-lti-iad-prod.instructure.com%2Flti%2Fcontent-view%2Frce%2F24757837 to listen to Talk Talk’s “I Believe in You.”
(Links to an external site.)

In 100 words or less, what is the relation between the clearing Mudede (page 2 of the anamorphosis notes pdf) speaks of and anamorphosis? Is anamorphosis a clearing? Find an idea/concept in Trigg’s analysis of Freud/architecture that connects to Mudede and explain said connection.

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