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Present a briefing that describes your training strategy as a SGM/CSM and discuss the training management process.

Instructions:  Brief a CSM/SGM in your organization who is a graduate of the course (not retired). This is a military information briefing. See form 1009S for oral communication assessment requirements. Upload both the completed and signed Form 1009S AND your briefing slides PowerPoint file.


The requirements for this presentation are:

  • This is an information briefing, not a
  • The presentation will be no less than 18 minutes and no more than 22 minutes.
  • Presentation will consist of 6 to 10 slides (including Title Slide, Agenda, Conclusion, & References).
  • Students may use up to two other visual aids such as maps and diagrams if
  • The presentation will describe application of the mission command
  • Students must diplay a clear understanding of key principles using real world
  • CSM/SGM in unit must provide; grade for briefing, SMC Course Number graduated from, contact phone number, name and digital signature on


Adhere to the writing requirements outlined in Phase 1.

Assignment:  Present a briefing that describes your training strategy as a SGM/CSM and discuss the training management process.

4.2.2Discussion Board

ELO: 400-SMC-1014.18

Action: Illustrate the role of the CSM/SGM in the planning and execution of the Unit Training Management (UTM) process. Additionally, display a thorough understanding of the unit training brief and its relation to the Military Decision making Process (MDMP).

Conditions:  As a member of a problem-solving team, or individually, in an asynchronous staff group classroom setting, using the online system capabilities, references, practical exercises, class discussions, and personal experiences based on the contemporary operational environment.

Standard: Illustrate an understanding of the training management process.

Learning Domain: Cognitive

Level of Learning: Analyze



  1. Read: (69 Pages) [43 min]
  • ADP 7-0, August 2018, Chapter 3 and 4, [12pages]
  • FM 6-0, May 2014, Commander and Staff Organization and Chapter 7, 9, and 10 [57 pages].

b.  Skim

  • FM 7-0, October 2016, Train To Win In A Complex Chapters 1-2 [42 pages]

Instructions:  Post a substantial initial response, with at least 2 cited sources and a minimum of 250 words, to the topic below. Identify references following the post using APA format.

Additionally, respond to at least 2 posts of your classmates, with at least 1 cited source

each and a minimum of 150 words per response, for full participation credit.  See Form 1009C- DL for specific requirements.

Adhere to the writing requirements outlined in Phase 1.

Topic of Discussion: The role of CSM/SGM Engagement in Unit Training Management (UTM) and Leader Development. In accordance with assigned readings.


4.2.3 Reflection Journal

ELO: 400-SMC-1015.12

Action:  Analyze the role of Sergeants Major as organizational-level leaders.

Conditions: As a member of a problem-solving team, or individually, in an asynchronous staff group classroom setting, using the online system capabilities, references, practical exercises, class discussions, and personal experiences based on the contemporary operational environment.

Standard:  Analysis includes:

  1. How leadership changes at the organizational level;
  2. The use of critical thinking in problem framing; and,
  3. The role Sergeants Major play in influencing the development of organizations and

Learning Domain:  Cognitive

Level of Learning:  Analysis



  • “The Seasoned Executive’s Decision-Making Style” (11 pages) [reading time 5 minutes]
  • ADRP 6-22, Army Leadership, Chapter 10 (8 pages) [reading time 20 minutes.]


Instructions:  Capture ideas and reflect on personal experiences pertaining to the module content. Journaling in the SMC is a continuous reflective exercise derived from the Coaching and Student Feedback Process. Reflective exercises (journalism) are essential in the development process.  Semester counseling sessions are designed to discuss individual assessment results, discuss personal strengths and weaknesses, and prioritize needs based on the student’s IDP.


Each semester rotation includes allocated time for one-on-one coaching and student feedback sessions between the student and instructor.  However, as discussed in the Assessment and Self Awareness lesson, the SMC uses the Experiential Learning Model (ELM) which emphasizes Active Experimentation (AE) and Reflective Observation (RO) in learning. Thus, students are also expected to take an active role in their development – this means come to each coaching and student feedback session prepared to discuss individual journal responses that were posed during the semester.


Student learners are expected use their student journals to gather, collect, store select evidence and capture reflective thoughts relevant to their learning and continued growth.  Students are to capture SMC Capstone-related notes, discussion question notes, lesson specific notes, and/or notes and reflective observations that student learners found significant in their continued  growth and progress as a SMC student and/or future SGM/CSM (or service equivalent).

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