A Position Paper research-based argument on how to address “diversity in an HRM globalization industry” in an essay of 4- 6 double-spaced pages (ca. 1,000-1,500 words) in 12-point Times New Roman font. Body paragraphs need to describe and justify your proposed solution and explain how it relates to how other companies or experts have addressed the same problem or issue based on your research. Use information from sources to support ideas while ensuring that your own voice and ideas control the paper. Please review information about writing an argument paper. Find out how the issue has been addressed by other companies in the past and how experts in the field recommend addressing it. The paper should open with an introductory paragraph that identifies a specific problem or issue and makes a claim about its significance in your industry. The rest of your paper will develop an argument that supports this claim. While presenting your own argument, you should also anticipate and refute counterarguments or alternative approaches. By showing that you understand other approaches and being very clear about how your approach is preferable, you will be more likely to convince readers to take your advice. Endpaper with a concluding paragraph that reiterates your recommendation and reminds readers of the most important points you want them to remember. You should not introduce new information in your conclusion. Use APA format for the paper, including the References page.