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Create a 60 minute reading lesson plan for the class below, using the reading text provided.

Assignment A

Please read the information below before looking at the instructions for this assignment.

The reputation of this qualification is dependent on our students’ academic integrity. The TEFL Academy does not tolerate plagiarism, nor the use of third parties, electronically or otherwise, to produce your assignments.

Work submitted for the assignments must be your own. If you are found to have sourced your work from elsewhere, your enrolment will be cancelled without refund and you will not receive a certificate.

While the lesson plan must be your own work, it is permissible for you to include language teaching activities that you have found or adapted from elsewhere, providing they are properly referenced. See ‘Referencing’ for information on how to present references.

Your work should demonstrate your understanding of what you have learned on this course. Your lesson plan should employ appropriate use of the techniques, procedures and teaching principles described in the units.

We appreciate that some students study this course with a friend, and indeed would encourage you to work in this way. However, assignments must be produced entirely independently.

If we receive two assignments that are the same or share some of the same content, we will return them and ask you to submit a completely new assignment.



To complete the course successfully you are required to complete and pass three assignments as well as the end of unit tests. Your assignments will be marked by a course assessor.

When Assignment A has been marked, you’ll receive feedback from the TEFL Academy and a grade if you have passed.

You can continue with the online course while you are working on an assignment, but you must pass each assignment before you can submit the following one. You need to have passed Assignment A before you can see the instructions for Assignment B.

Please allow five full working days after the day you submit your assignment for your work to be graded. This means an assignment submitted on Monday will normally be returned on Tuesday of the following week. (However, please be aware that marking may take longer during busy periods). You need to figure this into your course time.

This assignment is designed to help you revise and consolidate what you have learned so far. We strongly recommend that you start work on it now, rather than leaving all the assignments until the end of the course.

Please be aware that if you have not completed all three assignments and allowed sufficient time for marking within your six months, you will need to apply for an extension.


You need to pass all the assessment criteria to pass. If you do not pass every criteria you will be asked to resubmit.

The average mark of your three assignments will determine your final grade.


Assignment A – Instructions

This assignment aims to develop and assess your ability to;

  1. Produce a 60-minute lesson plan for an intermediate class
  2. Use the standard reading comprehension lesson procedure, described in Unit 5
  3. Select and pre-teach vocabulary
  4. Match Teacher language to learners’ level.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to give clear instructions and clarify meaning and understanding (concept checking questions).

Please allow up to 5 working days after submission for grading. However, please be aware that marking may take longer during busy periods.


What am I required to do?

  1. Create a 60 minute reading lesson plan for the class below, using the reading text provided. Follow standard procedure for reading and listening lessons, described in Unit 5.
  2. Include a communicative speaking activity to follow the reading.
  3. Download and read carefully ALL the documents we have provided
  4. Submit your assignment on the 5 templates provided – other lesson plan formats will not be accepted.

Reference any material you have used from elsewhere.


Who am I teaching?

You have a monolingual class of 18 upper-intermediate (B2) students, 10 women, 8 men. They are young adults aged 18-24.


Guidance – Preparing to Write your Lesson Plan

Before starting this assignment, you should;

Before starting this assignment;

  1. Read Unit 1 on lesson planning


  1. Read Unit 2 on teaching vocabulary (eliciting and concept checking)
  2. Read Unit 5 on Teaching Receptive Skills to revise the standard procedure for comprehension lessons provided.
  3. Do not plan your vocabulary stage before reading the notes on vocabulary pre-teaching (see below).
  4. Read the following document carefully, download it and save it to your local machine
  • Reading text + Notes on vocabulary pre-teaching and lesson procedure
  • Referencing
  • Check list – How Assignment A will be assessed


What should I submit?

Download the 5 templates using the links below to ensure you submit all required items.

You’ll then be able to complete your assignment offline and check it before you submit it to your assessor.

Please ensure documents are CLEARLY labelled and numbered as below. Please note if your files/documents are not clearly labelled, you may be asked to re-submit.

  1. Vocabulary Teaching Table showing 12 items you would pre-teach
  2. Lesson plan
  3. Materials Copies of all materials you would give or show the students (worksheets, visuals etc.).
  4. Teacher language in which you give word for word the language you could use for
  5. a) presenting 3 of your selected vocabulary items, including concept check questions.
  6. b) instructions for ONE of your planned reading comprehension tasks, either the 1st (scanning or skimming task), or the 2nd (detailed comprehension task).
  7. Bibliography

When you have finished your assignment, look through ‘Lesson planning checklist and how this assignment will be graded’ before submitting your work.

If English is not your first language, please check your language carefully. Your marker will be looking for evidence that your English is of a higher level than the students the lesson is designed for.


Guidance – How to submit your work

  1. Once your documents are complete and you are ready to submit them to your assessor, return to this page, login and then select the button ‘add submission’ that appears at the bottom of this page. Then follow the on-screen instructions to upload all of your documents. Please upload all your documents at the same time.
  2. You can upload up to 10 files, which can be word processed files, images, videos or sound files. Please save and submit your files as Word, PDFs or Power Point files.
  3. Please make sure each file is CLEARLY LABELLED AND NUMBERED as in templates provided
  4. Once you’ve uploaded all your files, follow the on screen instructions to submit your assignment for marking.
  5. Please see the video in the ‘Getting started’ section of the course to check how to upload your assignment.


Helpful hints:

We suggest that you create a folder on your computer where you can save all the documents you need to complete this assignment.

Develop your plan on the lesson plan forms provided and make sure that you have completed every section of the plan. Please put each stage of the lesson into a separate row on the table. (You can add or delete rows to suit your lesson.)


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