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Explain the strengths and weaknesses of this source and why you would or would not use it as a source for your research paper.  

LIS2004 Course Project – Applying Online Research Strategies

General Instructions

  • Please download and complete this ENTIRE document and save it as: YOUR LAST NAME_LIS2004 Course Project.  For example: JONES_LIS2004 Course Project
  • Once completed, please upload to the course assignment folder labeled Course Project.


Applying Online Research Strategies

  1. The purpose of this project is to apply the lessons you have learned in the course.  You will find two online information sources, one from the Library’s website and the other not from the library’s website that help to answer a Research Question.
  2. Please choose a topic that you might use for a college level research paper and type it below. Be sure to get it approved by the instructor before starting the project, there is a separate forum for approval.
    1. My topic is:
  3. From this topic, develop a Research Question that would be appropriate in scope for a 5 page research paper.  Type your research question below:
    1. My research question is:
  4. Using the techniques you have learned in the course, find a resource outside of the Library’s website that you feel provides you high quality information on this topic.
  5. Using the techniques you have learned in the course, find an article from a Library provided database through the Library’s website that you feel provides you with high quality information on this topic.  For additional directions on searching databases at Daytona State College Library see the separate handout.

Complete the Evaluation Worksheet for each source.  For the Overall Evaluation for each source, make sure to support the numeric scores you assigned.  For example, “I gave this website a currency score of 5 since it was updated within the last month and the information was very up-to-date for this topic.”  Please make sure to use complete sentences.  Grammar, punctuation, and spelling will all count toward your final score. For bonus points, provide a MLA or APA citation.

Evaluation of Sources


Title of Non-Library source:


Title of Article accessed from Library website:


Directions: Use your judgment in allotting points for the various categories. Enter points and add up the points for the total score.



0-5 points

Rate Article

0-5 points


Evaluation Criteria












The timeliness of the Information

  • Where is the topic in the Information Cycle?
  • When was the information published, posted, or last revised?
  • How important is currency to your topic?
  • Are links functional and up-to-date?
  • Are sources cited recent?
















The authority of the author

  • Does the author or organization responsible for the information have expertise in the field or topic you are researching?
  • Is the author, organization, or publication well known in the field?
  • Is there contact information for the author, organization or publication?
  • Who is the author’s or organization’s intended audience?
  • Does the author’s or organization’s language or tone seem biased?














The quality of the evidence

  • Are the original sources of the information listed?
  • Can you verify the information from other reliable sources or from your own knowledge?
  • Are there multiple sources cited or just one or two?
  • Has the information been reviewed or refereed?
  • Are there spelling, grammar, or other typos?
















The motivation for providing the information

  • Is the purpose to: inform? teach? entertain? enlighten? sell? persuade?
  • Are possible biases clearly stated?
  • Is advertising content vs. informational content easily distinguishable?
  • Is the information objective or subjective?
  • What does the domain name/URL/permalink reveal about the source of the information, if anything? Example: .com .edu .gov .org .net


Total: Total:



Use these ranges in your explanation for part two of the assignment: (20 – 16 Good); (15 – 12 Average – there may be better information available elsewhere); (11 and Bellow – Unacceptable)


Overall Evaluation for Non-Library Source.

Explain the strengths and weaknesses of this source and why you would or would not use it as a source for your research paper.   (Minimum of two paragraphs.)

Overall Evaluation for Article Accessed from Library website.

Explain the strengths and weaknesses of this source and why you would or would not use it as a source for your research paper.   (Minimum of two paragraphs.)

Bonus Point Opportunity (2 points total)

Provide MLA or APA citation for each source:

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