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Subject Code and Title EVT204A Wedding Planning
Assessment Assessment 1: Discussion Forum: Weekly Review Questions
Individual/Group Individual
Length 200 – 300 words per week as a guide
Learning Outcomes

a) Evaluate the socio-cultural implications of the wedding event.

b) Compare and analyze the expectations of the stakeholders in the wedding planning process.

c) Identify and assess the behavioural responsibilities and techniques required of the effective wedding planner.

d) Apply the structure and processes necessary in wedding organization based on client expectations.

e) Interpret contemporary issues in relation to marriage and weddings.

f) Analyze the elements of risk and disaster management relevant to wedding events.
Submission Due by 11.59pm Sunday each week: from week 1 up to and including week 10
Weighting 40% (4% each week)
Total Marks 100 marks each week

This assessment will help you really delve into the wedding planning industry. Each week you will research and write about topics directly related to various aspects of weddings: history, culture, organization, client liaison, legalities, creativity and more.
The online forum is an excellent place to see how your classmates deal with each week’s subject matter and find answers to common questions, giving you a real opportunity to gain valuable perspective on wedding planning as a whole.
Participating in the class discussion of the weekly review questions will really enhance your learning experience of communication skills, design skills and business skills because this assessment is a professional communication process. The forum introduces you to others who could serve as resources during the course, and perhaps into employment in this quickly growing industry. This assessment will also directly help you with assessments 2 and 3.
Each week, from week 1 up to and including week 10, you are required to post answers to the weekly review questions. These review questions refer to the information studied each week and can be located on your Module pages. Examine each question and consider your answers carefully. Research thoroughly and support your answers with relevant information investigated from at least three sources, only one of which is to be the textbook. You may also include both primary and secondary evidence from textbooks, your own experience, business websites, or other relevant social media sources, e.g. professional blogs, magazines and websites. (Check the subject outline and the modules for lists of resources.)

Word totals for each post should be in the 200-300 words range. Some might be quite short and others longer. Support your answers with evidence and concepts from your research and perhaps a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation, where appropriate.

Some questions will require you to identify or propose trends by developing and posting a Pinterest page. Please post a new Pinterest page for each required topic.

You are to critique and make a constructive comment on at least one other person’s post each week. This comment must be thorough and go well beyond simple praise. You will not be able to access other posts until you post your own answers.

Use quotations sparingly. Please paraphrase your answers and do not simply cut and paste information.

Each weekly set of review questions will be marked out of 100, and this assessment will be worth 40% of your overall mark.
The protocol for posting and contributing to an online discussion:

a. Participation is required but participation alone is not enough; a thoughtful and meaningful approach in your posts is also required (Quality counts!).

b. Provide evidence of critical thinking and thoughtfulness in your answers and interactions.

c. Be organized in your thoughts and ideas.

d. Contribute to the learning community by being creative in your approaches to topics, being relevant in the presented viewpoints, and attempting to motivate the discussion. For example when providing a comment on your classmate’s post “Loved your work – Great job” is not enough.

EVT204A Assessment 1 Brief Page 3 of 9

e. Be aware of referencing, citation, grammar and sentence mechanics. Be prepared to help each other out if you notice someone is struggling with these tools. f. Use proper etiquette. Remember that being respectful is critical.

Submission Instructions:

Post your answers directly into a new thread on the weekly discussion forum, each week on Sunday evening by 11.59pm. Do not upload a word document. Post your comment on at least one other classmate’s work by using the Reply button under their weekly post.

Submit your answers in an academic style, including both in-text citation and a full reference list using the APA 6th edition style of referencing. Please see the Academic Skills page on Blackboard for information on referencing in APA 6th: https://laureateau.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_20163_1&co ntent_id=_2498849_1

As a student you have responsibility with regard to your academic conduct whilst studying. This conduct is clearly outlined in the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure document. Please review this document before submission.

The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the Blackboard portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

The Learning Rubric (pp. 4-9) is your guide to how you will be marked each week in this assessment. Please be sure to check this rubric very carefully before any submission. The following tick checklist may help you to make sure you have completed the required criteria each week:

Contribution and Relevance
Careful Reading, Inquiry and Research
Contribution to the Learning Community

Clarity and Grammar

Correct citation of key resources and evidence.

Line of reasoning is unclear and difficult to follow.

Post basically addresses the question, however indicates only a cursory understanding of the topic concept and develops the minimum aspects of the task.
Post presents information and evidence sufficiently, however requires further logic and more clarity.
Arguments demonstrate a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts however, required further
Post addresses and develops most/all aspects of the task.
Post presents information and evidence clearly and logically.
Arguments are well developed, however could benefit from more depth and a stronger connection to the evidence presented.
Post has a good structure, with a good flow of ideas.
Line of reasoning is of a good standard and easy to follow.

Post fully addresses and develops all aspects of the task.
Post presents information and arguments in a logical and clear way, which is well-supported by evidence.
Post has a good structure, with opinions and idea expressed in a clear and concise manner with obvious connection to topic.
Line of reasoning contains clarity and logic and is easy to follow.

Post fully addresses and develops all aspects of the task through comprehensive critical analysis or synthesis.
Post is expertly presented, descriptive, concise and informative – very well developed and wellsupported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and arguments.
Post has an excellent structure, which engages and sustains the audience’s interest in the topic – the reader can immediately grasp the relevancy.

Development of concept or thought.
Post has a sufficient structure, however flow of ideas are a challenge and can be difficult to understand.
Line of reasoning is passable, however, can sometimes be difficult to follow and requires clarity.
Line of reasoning contains clarity and logic and is easy to follow.

Careful Reading, Inquiry and Research into Topic

Post shows little/no evidence of research or enquiry.
Post is not relevant to the module questions or current discussion.
Post needs to question viewpoints of experts.
Confusion of personal opinion
Post shows some evidence of research or enquiry.
Post basically answers module questions or current discussion, however relies too heavily on the textbook and requires further research.
Post needs to question the
Post shows sufficient evidence of research or enquiry.
Post adequately answers module questions or current discussion, with analysis and evaluation reflecting some judgement, intellectual independence, rigor and adaptability.
Post questions viewpoints of experts,
Post shows substantial evidence of research or enquiry.
Post answers module questions or current discussion, with analysis and evaluation reflecting growing judgement, intellectual independence, rigor and adaptability.
Questions viewpoints of experts, however
Post shows exceptional evidence of research or enquiry and indicates serious contemplation of sources and extended reading.
Post answers module questions or current discussion and exhibits intellectual independence, rigor, good judgement and adaptability, displaying and information (substantiated by evidence) from the research/course materials.

Viewpoints of experts more.
Some confusion of personal opinion and information (substantiated by evidence) from the research/course materials.

However requires more in-depth examination.
Post justifies personal opinion, by utilizing evidence and information from the research/course materials.

requires more in-depth examination.
Post discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information (substantiated by robust evidence) from the research/course materials and extended reading.
original thought that goes far beyond the obvious.
Post questions viewpoints of experts and identifies own gaps in knowledge.
Post systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course.

Contribution to the Learning Community

Post has not been submitted/is late without explanation.
No follow-up response post has been made to a classmate.

Post is more of a summary of other posts and comments, and needs to contribute more to the discussion and offer deeper insight.
Response post reflects on classmate’s post but in a minimal way.
Post contributes valuable information to the discussion, acknowledging ideas of others in attempt to advance the discussion (perhaps in predictable ways).
Response comments on classmates’ posts are friendly, supportive and courteous.
Post motivates and advances the group discussion and presents a creative approach to the topic.
Response post is written in a friendly, supportive and courteous manner and elaborates on at least one other classmate’s existing posting with well
Post presents a creative approach to the topic, contributing valuable information and advancing discussions which are meaningful enough to extend learning for the whole class.
Response post is written in a friendly, supportive and courteous manner, interacting easily with other posts in the thread,
Post displays an awareness of the needs of the community and demonstrates cultural sensitivity.

considered further comment or observation.
Post displays an awareness of the needs of the community and demonstrates high levels of cultural sensitivity.

engaging in meaningful dialogue with one or more classmates and demonstrating careful analysis of others’ posts and extending meaningful discussion by commenting and building on previous posts.
Post displays an awareness of the needs of the community and demonstrates high levels of cultural sensitivity.

Clarity and Grammar

Post displays poor spelling and grammar.
Posts appear “hasty” with short, unorganised content that may contain multiple errors or may be inappropriate or irrelevant.

Post displays few errors in spelling and grammar.
Post is adequate, however has some errors in clarity which can cloud meaning.

Post is grammatically correct with few misspellings if any.
Post is on topic and relevant, with very minor clarity errors that don’t impede meaning.

Post is grammatically correct with no misspellings.
Post contributes well explained, relevant and clear information.

Post demonstrates exemplary grammar, spelling and punctuation skills.
Post contributes to the discussion with clear, concise and relevant comments formatted in an easy-to-read style.

Correct citation of key resources and evidence.

Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
Does not use sufficient sources.
Does not include correct references or in-text citations;
Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, however, these are not always explicit or well-developed.
Uses sufficient sources, however can be greatly improved.
Attempt made to include references or in-text citations,
Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas. Shows good evidence of attempts to source information.
Uses a sufficient number of sources.
Incorporates in-text and citations references from suitable sources; uses APA 6th style, however
Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements. Shows evidence of wide scope for sourcing evidence.
Uses an additional number of sources.
Incorporates in-text and citations references from suitable sources; uses
Demonstrates use of high quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows evidence of wide scope for sourcing evidence.
Uses an extensive number of sources.
Incorporates in-text and citations references from suitable sources; uses APAHowever these are sometimes insufficient for research purposes, or incorrect; uses APA 6th style, however may contain some citation or referencing errors.

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