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Compare and contrast the position of these two organizations in terms of the strategic environment and evaluate the opportunities and threats it presents.

Select an article published in a quality newspaper during the past month that can be identified as relating to a focused, contemporary external strategic environment (in nature this could be political, economic, demographic, social, technological, environmental, legal etc). Use this as the starting point for a strategic analysis of that identified environment, viewed from the perspective of two relevant organizations. What are the strategic implications of what is being reported in the article? What is the wider context in terms of trends, drivers and prevalent discourse? What are the considerations for the industry as a whole and the organizations you have selected to focus on?
Compare and contrast the position of these two organizations in terms of the strategic environment and evaluate the opportunities and threats it presents.
Total word count 2400 words, double spaced.
See selected article with this link :
Please note, the article is just to stimulate the research, most of the research and analysis would come from outside of the article.
TOPIC : The airline industry in the aftermath of the Boeing 737 Max 8 scandal
COMPANIES : Boeing vs Airbus

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