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Describe the role of scholarly research within your doctoral program goals, that is,Identify connections between scholarly research articles and your own doctoral goals and Describe the role of scholarly research within your doctoral program goals.

Requirement: The project should have the following sections with the following headers:

  • Introduction
  • Evaluation of Research Purpose
  • Evaluation of Methodology
  • Evaluation of Results
  • Evaluation of Overall Achievement of Purpose
  • Conclusion and Reflection.


1.1: Construct an argument using scholar-practitioner communication skills.

1.2: Write using APA style and format.

2.1: Create a complete and cohesive argument.

3.7: Identify connections between scholarly research articles and your own doctoral goals.

Steps of the “Scholarly Article Evaluation” Project Here is a printable version of  Project 1, along with the competencies you must meet. Links are marked so you can see where the learning resources, discussions, and other course related links and documents appear. Competencies 1.1 Construct an argument using scholar-practitioner communication skills.

1.1: Construct an argument using scholar-practitioner communication skills.

Articulate thesis and purpose clearly, Distinguish and transition smoothly between main points and supporting details, Present a complete argument that adequately addresses the scope of the thesis, Explain complex ideas clearly for stakeholders at all levels, Choose words and phrases so as to transmit a clear and accurate doctoral-level message, Adhere to Standard English rules of spelling, grammar, word choice, and mechanics.

1.2 Write using APA style and format.

Create documents with neat and consistent layout and formatting as per APA style, Organize ideas logically, using headings and other aids as needed, Cite all sources using APA-style in-text citations and references, Adhere to APA style of writing, Create a complete and cohesive argument, State the major claims to knowledge of the issue, Provide evidence to support the claims.

2.1: Create a complete and cohesive argument.

2.1.3 Link all evidence to the claims with a warrant.

Answer these 4 questions:

1)Did the author(s) clearly articulate their research purpose?

2)Are the methods clearly specified and justified?

3)Do the results justify the conclusions?

4) Do the authors achieve their research purpose?

That is, overall, if you were a leader making a decision, would you accept the conclusions of the article as valid evidence? Why or why not? Keep your evaluation to the elements addressed by these four question and ensure that all of your claims are well-evidenced.


2.1.4 Combine all parts of the argument in a cogent way.

For example, if you want to make a claim that yes, the authors did clearly articulate their research purpose, you would then need evidence to support that claim. It is your job to explain how the purpose is clear by building a cogent, well-evidenced argument. This would require you to set a benchmark for what “clear” means: What does it mean for a research purpose to be clear? How do you know that? A little reading on research purpose would provide criteria regarding what makes a clearly articulated research purpose, need to find evidence for other claims you make.

3.7 Identify connections between scholarly research articles and your own doctoral goals.

3.7.1 Explain one or more goals for your doctoral program of study. My goal: innovation management

3.7.2 Describe the role of scholarly research within your doctoral program goals, that is,Identify connections between scholarly research articles and your own doctoral goals and Describe the role of scholarly research within your doctoral program goals.


  • title page;
  • page format: proper placement of page number, margins, and font;
  • in-text citations;
  • references (note that all in-text citations should correspond to an entry in the reference section, and all references should have at least one corresponding in-text citation);
  • avoiding bias; and
  • stylistics
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